
In King of Avalon there are a number of benefits and boosts that help you with your Dragon Spirit in the Forbidden Labyrinth. In this guide we explain these and indicate how they can be increased.

General Boosts

Labyrinth Cooldown Reduction

This influences the cooldown timer that starts the moment you enter the Labyrinth. This is a percentage that can be influenced via Research and Dragon Spirit Skills. Note that there are also items that reset the complete cooldown timer or reduce a fixed amount of time.

Satchel Capacity

The total weight you can carry inside the Labyrinth. Changes take effect immediately, so far example activating VIP while you are in the Labyrinth increases your Satchel Capacity. Can be increased by Research, Dragon Spirit Talent Tree, VIP Levels and Dragon Spirit Skills.

Satchel Slots

The slots available in your Satchel. Not really relevant anymore now that Ancient Coins are used instead of different items. Can be increased by Research, Dragon Spirit Talent Tree and VIP Levels.

Labyrinth Stamina

The total amount of stamina you get when entering the Labyrinth. This also is also the maximum stamina you can get, so pay attention you don't exceed this amount when taking Stamina Potions. Each time you move into a new room in the Labyrinth, it costs one Stamina. It does not cost Stamina to exit a level, so if you fully explore a floor in the Labyrinth it costs you 15 Stamina. This can be increased by Research and Dragon Spirit Skills.

Stamina Potion

This is the number of Stamina Potions that are assigned to you when you enter the labyrinth. These can be increased via Research, Dragon Spirit Talent tree and VIP. This is a reason to make sure you VIP is active the moment you enter the Forbidden Labyrinth.

Spirit Health and Spirit Health Increase

This is the amount of health you get when entering the Labyrinth. This also is also the maximum health you can get, so pay attention you don't exceed this amount when taking Health Potions. Health is depleted when you take damage that cannot be fully absorbed by your defenses. The Spirit Health is an absolute value that can be increased via Equipment and Runestones, the Spirit Health Increase is a percentage that can be increased via Research, Dragon Spirit Talent tree, and Dragon Spirit Skills.

Spirit Health Recovery and Spirit Health Recovery Increase

This is the amount of health by which your Health bar gets recovered when your Dragon Spirit enters a new level in the Labyrinth. The Spirit Health Recovery is an absolute value that can be increased via Equipment and Dragon Spirit Skills, the Spirit Health Recovery Increase is a percentage that can be increased via Research.

Health Potion

The Health Potions are the number of Health Potions that are assigned to you when you enter the labyrinth. These can be increased via Research, Dragon Spirit Talent Tree and VIP. This is a reason to make sure you VIP is active the moment you enter the Forbidden Labyrinth.

Health Potion Effect and Health Potion Effect Increase

This influences the amount of Health that is restored each time you use a Health Potion. The can be increased via Research and Dragon Spirit Skills, the relative amount via projects in the Berserker Talent tree.

Spirit Mana and Spirit Mana Increase

This is the amount of mana you get when entering the Labyrinth (the blue bar). This only becomes relevant when you have Dragon Spirit lvl 27, because only at that level do you have enough Talent Points to unlock a Talent that can be cast with mana in the Labyrinth. The absolute value can be increased via Equipment and Dragon Spirit Skills, the percentage by a project in the Mage talent tree.

Spirit Mana Recovery and Spirit Mana Recovery Increase

This influences the amount of Mana that is recovered after each battle. The absolute amount can be increased by Equipment and Dragon Spirit Skills, the percentage by projects in the Mage Talent Tree.

Mana Potion Effect

Supposedly this increases the effect of Mana Potions, but there are no Mana Potions...

Spirit Attack and Spirit Attack Increase

This is the major factor in the damage you do to opponents when battling in the Labyrinth. The Spirit Attack is an absolute value that can be increased via Equipment and Runestones, the Spirit Attack Increase is a percentage that can be increased via Research, Dragon Spirit Talent tree, and Dragon Spirit Skills.

Spirit Defense and Spirit Defense Increase

This is the major factor in the damage you get from opponents when battling in the Labyrinth. The Spirit Defense is an absolute value that can be increased via Equipment and Runestones, the Spirit Defense Increase is a percentage that can be increased via Research, Dragon Spirit Talent tree, and Dragon Spirit Skills.

Spirit Skills

These are the amount of Skills you can assign to be used during battle. This only becomes relevant at higher level Dragon Spirits, once you have unlocked multiple Dragon Spirit Skills in the Dragon Spirit Talent trees, so that there is actually something to chose from. This can be increased via VIP.

Mage Boosts

Spirit Arcane Ability and Spirit Arcane Ability Increase

Used for the Dragon Terror Dragon Spirit Talent. There is equipment that provides an absolute amount of Spirit Arcane Ability and a Dragon Spirit Talent (Mage Magic Attack) that increases this value with a percentage.

Spirit Fire Ability and Spirit Fire Ability Increase

Relevant for the Flame of Fury I and II Dragon Spirit Talents. There is equipment that provides an absolute amount of Spirit Fire Ability and a Dragon Spirit Talent (Mage Magic Attack) that increases this value with a percentage.

Spirit Magic

Magic plays a role in the special talents in the Mage and Knight talent trees, it increases their effect. This can be increased by runestones and dragon spirit skills.

Spirit Wisdom

Any point in Spirit Wisdom influences the Spirit Attack and Spirit Magic values.

Attack is increased with 0.8 times Spirit Wisdom times your Spirit Attack Increase boost.

Magic is increased with 1.8 times your Spirit Wisdom (there is no Spirit Magic Increase boost).

It can be increased with Equipment and Dragon Spirit Skills.

Knight Boosts

Spirit Armor

Your Spirit Defense is increased with 0.8 times Spirit Armor times your Spirit Defense Increase boost. It can be increased with equipment and Dragon Spirit Skills.

Spirit Physique

1 point in Spirit Physique increases your Spirit Health with 25 times your Spirit Health Increase Boost. It can be increased with Equipment and Dragon Spirit Skills.

Spirit Earh Ability and Spirit Earth Ability Increase

This is relevant for the Knight, specifically for the Knight Recovery I and II Dragon Spirit Talents. These Talents can be activated during battle and recover a portion of the health of your Dragon Spirit depending on the Spirit Earth Ability amount. The Spirit Earth Ability is an absolute value that can be increased via equipment, the Spirit Earth Ability Increase is a percentage that can be increased via the Dragon Spirit Talent tree.

Spirit Parry Damage and Spirit Parry Damage Increase

This value indicates the damage you do to an attacker when you are being attacked. This is specific for the Knight. The Spirit Parry Damage is an absolute value that can be increased via equipment and runestones, the Spirit Parry Damage Increase is a percentage that can be increased via Dragon Spirit Talent tree.

Berserker Boosts

Spirit Strength

Spirit Attack is increased with 1.5 times Spirit Strength times your Spirit Attack Increase boost. It can be increased with Equipment and Dragon Spirit Skills.

Spirit Initiative and Spirit Initiative Increase

Spirit initiative determines who is going to attack first in a PvP setting (giving advantage over the opponent in case of similar spirits). In labyrinth it is always the monster that attacks first, so this has no effect in the Labyrinth. The absolute amount is influenced by the VIP levels, the percentage by projects in the talent trees.

How Boosts Affect Talents

Some of the above discussed boosts influence the performance of the Dragon Spirit talents and the in-game documentation is not always complete.

The effect of Flame of Fury I is (Spirit Magic + Spirit Fire Ability + 175) * 1.1

The effect of Dragon Terror is (Spirit Magic + Spirit Arcane Ability + 320) * 0.45

The effect of Flame of Fury II is (Spirit Magic + Spirit Fire Ability + 975) * 1.15

The effect of Knight Recovery I is (Spirit Magic + Spirit Earth Ability + 1400)* 4

The effect of Knight Recovery II is (Spirit Magic + Spirit Earth Ability + 18000) * 0.2

The effect of Berserker Strike I is (Spirit Attack + 113) * 1.25 (0.5% of your Health is sacrifized)

The effect of Berserker Strike II is (Spirit Attack + 1713) * 1.25 (0.5% of your Health is sacrifized)


Some of the information above was contributed by visitors to the website and my youtube channel, and some came from another website: Reddit KingOfAvalon. The information sharing is much appreciated.


I hope this gives some idea as to what all the Dragon Spirit Boosts do, and how they can be increased.

If you have any questions, or if you have additional information, please let me know.

Related Pages

Guide(s): Dragon Spirit: Changes in v2.7.0, Dragon Spirit Beginner Guide, Dragon Spirit Intermediate Guide

Data Page(s): Spirit Earth Ability Increase, Spirit Parry Damage Increase, Satchel Capacity, Spirit Defense Increase, Satchel Slots, Health Potion Effect, Spirit Health Increase, Stamina Potion, Health Potion, Spirit Attack Increase, Spirit Health Recovery Increase, Labyrinth Stamina, Labyrinth Cooldown Reduction, Spirit Initiative, Spirit Skills, Spirit Strength, Spirit Wisdom, Spirit Armor, Spirit Physique, Spirit Magic, Spirit Mana Recovery, Mana Potion Effect, Spirit Fire Ability, Spirit Arcane Ability, Spirit Earth Ability, Spirit Parry Damage, Spirit Mana, Spirit Defense, Spirit Attack, Spirit Health, Spirit Health Recovery, Health Potion Effect Increase, Spirit Arcane Ability Increase, Spirit Fire Ability Increase, Spirit Initiative Increase, Spirit Mana Increase, Spirit Mana Recovery Increase

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