
The Alliance Siege Event is a new event in version 8.2.2. All alliance in a kingdom can battle for 8 different castles and because of the limit of two castles every alliance can battle for it means also smaller alliances can get rewards.

King of Avalon Alliance Siege Preparation

04/23/2020 - -

Explanation of the preparation stage of the Alliance Siege event. Discussion of possible rewards.

How the Alliance Siege Event Works

There are first 2 preparation stages. During the first preparation stage every alliance in a kingdom can vote for one of the available timeslots (6:00-9:00 UTC, 8:00-11:00 UTC, 16:00-19:00 UTC). The timeslot with the most votes (every alliance can make one vote) will be the timeslot the complete kingdom will do battle.

During the second preparation stage each Alliance can chose 2 castles they can compete for. There are 8 different castles and 4 different types of rewards. An alliance can only compete for the selected castles.

During the selected timeslot the alliance can battle for the 2 castles. During the battle troops are only wounded, not killed. An Alliance wins the castle if it occupies it for 30 minutes, after that is done, the castle can no longer be taken by other alliances.


There are alliance capture rewards and alliance honor rewards. Anyone of the winning alliance participating in the battle will get an alliance capture reward (2x8h speed ups, 1.5m food, 2x1.5m wood, 625 tears of ascension).

The alliance honor rewards contain of chests of 3 tiers. 2 of the tier 1 chest, 8 of the tier 2 chest and 15 of the tier 3 chest. A lot of the rewards are the same for each castle (75x60m Training Speedup, 2500 Tears of Ascension, 5000 Gold for tier 1 chest, 50x60m Training Speedup, 2500 Tears of Ascension, 2000 Gold for tier 2 chest, and 30x60m Training Speedup, 2500 Tears of Ascension for tier 3 chest), but for tier 1 and 2 chests there are also rewards depending on the castle, see in the table below.

Castle Location Focus Chest Tier 1 Rewards Chest Tier 2 Rewards
North War Scrolls 500 War Scrolls 250 War Scrolls
North East Philosopher Stones 140 Philosopher Stones 70 Philosopher Stones
East Intensity Crystals 4xIntensity Crystal V 8xIntensity Crystal IV
South East Bagdes 10x Royal Badges 70x Noble Badges
South Philosopher Stones 140 Philosopher Stones 70 Philosopher Stones
South West War Scrolls 500 War Scrolls 250 War Scrolls
West Bagdes 10x Royal Badges 70x Noble Badges
North West Intensity Crystals 4xIntensity Crystal V 8xIntensity Crystal IV

Dividing Castles in Advance

As top alliances it is good practice to collaborate and decide together who select for which castles to prevent the top alliances to have to battle together and smaller alliances to get easy rewards.


It is a nice new event that allows other alliances besides the no 1 alliance to battle for some rewards as well.

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