Welcome to the Skill Tree Planner. You can really plan out how you want to fill your tree, save multiple sets for various purposes, and run "what if" scenarios without dealing with inputting thousands of points into the game itself (a tedious process at best!). Before you do anything, visit the Game Parameters section to input your Commander level and number of skill points available. As you can see, there are 2 functionalities in the tool, one being to set those boosts that you want to maximize the points for, the other being Fill Prerequisites.
Choose the Boosts you want, hit "Fill Selected Boosts" and the tool will automatically backfill the minimum number of points to advance down the tree, maximizing the selections you have made. If you have many points left over, add some more Skill Projects... but if you are over the limit, remove some. Depending on how the numbers fall, it may be advisable to remove some points from the maxxed tiles so you end up with a 0 balance of points remaining.
The method works just fine until you hit the row at Commander 90. After that level, minimum requirements to advance down the tree go from 10 to 25. Going by the Boosts will make you very quickly run into a large negative amount of points remaining. Even more so starting at Commander 105, where every project has an extra attack, health or defense boost at lvl 50. This is the time to use the other "functionality" the Fill Prerequisites. Make sure that you turn of all Boosts, then look at all the tiles below 90 that you want to max and max them... hit Fill Prerequisites and you now have a tree that tells you if you have enough points to fill or not. If not, re-assess what you have chosen. Once you have points remaining, and prerequisites taken care of, use the remaining points to fill above the 90 line.
Once you are happy with what you have created, transfer it to a skill tree preset in the game. This is a very tedious process, very prone to mistakes (like maxxing a tile that should only have 10 points in it) especially if you have gotten well past 100 Commander level. Just be extra alert during the process and then enjoy the fruits of your labor and this amazing tool!
To make the most of this tool consider to Register, so that you can manage multiple Talent tree configuration, save, load, and share with others.
Or use the following links to plan your Talent tree without the possibility of saving:
Plan New Lord Talent Trees Configuration
Plan New Dragon Spirit Talent Trees Configuration