All information about the research project Troop Defense II in King of Avalon including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Reward Lord XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 Academy 1
Solo: Defender II
Solo: Warrior II
Solo: Destroyer II
5.10M Food
11.10M Wood
1.80M Iron
1.10M Silver
180.0 Conquest Feathers
04:00:00 0
2 5.40M Food
12.70M Wood
2.80M Iron
2.10M Silver
360.0 Conquest Feathers
08:00:00 Register to Supply Data
3 5.90M Food
15.20M Wood
4.30M Iron
3.60M Silver
660.0 Conquest Feathers
14:40:00 Register to Supply Data
Total Academy 1
Solo: Defender II
Solo: Warrior II
Solo: Destroyer II
16.40M Food
39.00M Wood
8.90M Iron
6.80M Silver
1.2K Conquest Feathers
1d 02:40:00 0

Currently we do not have complete information on this research category yet, if you have missing information, please let us know via the User Comments or send us an e-mail to the address in the footer of this page. Please make sure to provide the original time and undiscounted resource requirements and do not forget the university/academy level required and the Power increase.

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