
This article gives an explanation of how maximize your Bowmen Attack boost in King of Avalon. The focus is on Bowmen Attack, but for most categories Defense and Health are acquired in the same manner.

King of Avalon Maximizing Bowmen Attack

10/28/2018 - -

Explanation of all the different ways to increase your Bowmen Attack boosts.

Scope of this Article

We will have a look at each category in which you can get Bowmen Attack boosts and explain how you can acquire these.


Flamebringer Sword and Greaves each provide a basic Bowmen Attack boost of 65%, making the total 130%. I have no information about how this can be further increased by enhancing.

The Ice Lord Battle Axe gives a basic Bowmen Attack boost of 100%. This can be increased with 4% for each Enhancement level for a total of 20%, making the total Bowmen Attack boost 120%.

The Redeemer set gives 190% Bowmen Attack boost, this might be increased further by complete set and/or enhancements, but I have no data on those.


Four fully refined Legendary Light Gems will give you a 678.6% (4x169.65%) Bowmen Attack boost.


Two fully upgraded Epic Twilight Aggression Emblems will give you 486% (2x243%) Bowmen Attack boost.

Prestige Statues

Four fully upgraded Epic Infernal Eagle Prestige Statues will give you 280% (4x70%) Bowmen Attack boost.


Two fully enhanced Gold Hellawes Magic Stone Artifacts will give you 381% (2x190.5%) Bowmen Attack boost.

Prestige Levels

I don't have complete data for this, so far only until lvl 31, at which level the Range gives 78.7%, and Trading Post and Watch Tower each 2.22%.

Extrapolating this data based on the assumption that the increments for each level above 31 will be at least the increment from lvl 30 to 31, I estimate a total prestige level Bowmen Attack boost of 96.52% for the Range and of 11.1% for the Trading Post and Watch Tower each. So a total of 118.72%


There are a total of 5 Bowmen Attack projects in Combat I, 3 in the Alliance Research, and 3 in Combat II, that can provide a total Bowmen Attack boost of 124.5% (of which 75% in Combat II).

Talent Points

Lord Talent points in War contains 3 Bowmen Attack projects that give a total of 25% Bowmen Attack buff.

Dragon Skills

Flaming Arrows II can provide a total unenhanced Bowmen Attack buff of 100%. Enhancing this dragon skill to 5 stars gives it an additional 42% buff, making the total Bowmen Attack Buff 142%.

Dragon Spirit Skills

After Labyrinth v2 was introduced the benefits of some of the Spirit Skills were changed as well, there is now a Bowmen Attack I (5%) and Bowmen Attack II (30%) that give a combined benefit of 35%.


You can get a total of 250% Bowmen Attack boost with The Red Knight, Sebile, King Arthur's Soul and Sir Baudwin.

Hero Weapons

Fully enhanced Tempest Shadow Blade and Tempest Obsidian Bow provide 390% Troop Attack.


See in table below a breakdown of the above discussed ways to get Bowmen Attack bonus.

Category Percentage Remark
Gear 190% Very likely can be higher when enhancing Redeemer gear
Gemstones 678.6%
Emblems 486%
Prestige Statues 280%
Artifacts 381%
Prestige Levels 118.72% Based on extrapolation of data
Research 124.5%
Lord Talent Points 25%
Dragon Skils 142% Based on enhancement to lvl 5
Dragon Spirit Skils 35%
Heroes 250%
Hero Weapons 390%
Total 3100.82%


There are some very specific boosts, such as the boosts you can select inside the Magic Spire, or the boosts you can get when plundering full or defending empty alliance buildings in the ultimate alliance conquest that are not included in this overview, but that can cause higher Troop Boosts to show in in battle reports.


This should give an idea how some players (big spenders) get these 1500+% Bowmen Attack boost, while you are stuck between 500% and 1000%.

Although this Bowmen Attack boost is great, do not forget to focus on damage and damage reduction/received as well.

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