
Each day you can complete Daily Rewards to get some resources, experience and various goodies. Typically you will find if you actively play you already score quite some points and it will just be a little extra effort to score enough points to win the highest prize. This guide contains a description of all activities you can score points for for the daily reward prize targets.

King of Avalon Daily Rewards Guide

11/08/2016 - -

Explanation of the Daily Rewards in the game King of Avalon, including example on how to complete all of them.

There is a Daily Reward menu in the Tavern, where you can see the points you can still get for each activity and where you can claim your prizes.

Sign In

Just sign in to the game. Normally you get the sign in bonus the moment you sign in, but if this fails for some reason you can click on the area in front of the Tavern.

Collect Tributes

Collect 5 Tributes from the building outside the city wall with the timer. The timers are quite short (they become longer the longer you are active on a day), so this should be easy.

Use Resource Items

During normal game play you will receive thousands of 1,000 Food and Wood items. These can be used in case you do not really need resources. Open 5 of them to score the maximum points.

Reinforce Allies

No need to wait until an ally is attacked, just click on their city and Reinforce them with 1000 troops to score max points. Once you have done this, you can recall them.

Market Place

Each day you can do new trades at the Market Place, you need to do a total of 10 to score maximum points. Typically I can do that by just doing favorable resource trades. You can do a few free refreshes of the trades each day. The Market Place can be found just inside the city wall near the Vault.

Help Allies

Providing Helps for your alliance members (via your Embassy, or the Alliance - Help menu) is something you always need to do anyway. If you are in a large active alliance it should be no problem to score maximum points by providing 25 Helps.

Alliance Donations

You can Donate for Alliance Tech in the Alliance - Donations menu. You should do this anyway to make your alliance stronger. Donate 20 times to score maximum points.

Kill Monsters

There are many monsters of different levels on the world map. Kill 5 monsters to score maximum points.

Attack Barbarians

There are Barbarian Camps on the world map. Set a rally on one of them, or join a rally set by your alliance members, and defeat a Barbarian Captain to score maximum points.

Heal Troops

Troops that you lose when you are attacked, or when you attack monsters, end up in your hospital. In your Hospital building you can heal your wounded troops. Heal a total of 30 to score maximum points.

Gather Food, Wood, Iron, Silver

Gather the required amount of each resource type to score the maximum points.

Boost Sawmills, Farms, Iron Mines, Silver Mines

You can speed the production of your resource buildings for the duration of 1 day. This can be done by clicking on the building and either paying the gold or using one of the boosts you have. During normal game play you get some boosts, so unlikely you need to spend gold on this. Speed up two of each building type to score maximum points.

Upgrade Buildings

Upgrade any building to get maximum points. You can score maximum points by just doing one building upgrades. As long as your building upgrades do not take more than one day yet, this should be very easy.

Trading Post

Once you have built the Trading Post building you can send resources to your alliance members. Send a total of 4500 to score maximum points.


You can score maximum points by just doing one research project.

Train Cavalry/Infantry/Bowmen/Siege Troops

Train a total of 250 troops of each type in the Stables, Barracks, Range and Siege Workshop to score maximum points.

Build Traps

Build 200 Traps in the Trap Factory to score maximum points.

Synthesize Scrolls

With any monster you kill you have a chance of receive a Scroll Fragment. Once you have collected 5 (of the same grade, the higher the monster level, the higher the Scroll grade that can be dropped) you can synthesize these in the Blacksmith. Synthesize one scroll to score maximum points.

Forge Equipment

In the Blacksmith Building you can Forge equipment if you have a scroll and the required materials and steel. Scrolls you get by first collecting Scroll Fragments by killing monsters, and synthesizing 5 scroll fragments to a scroll in the Armory (part of the Blacksmith Building), materials and steel you can also get as prizes from killing monsters and various other game play. Forge one equipment to score maximum points.

Crystal Ball

By using one Dragon Scale or paying 20 gold you can get a Crystal Ball reading at the Tavern. This can give you some random prize, but you also score maximum points with one Crystal Ball reading.

Make a Wish

You can make Wishes in the Wishing Well to get some resources. There is a daily limit of free wishes depending on your Wishing Well level, afterwards it costs an increasing amount of gold. You can also use Wishing Gems instead of gold to make Wishes. Make 20 Wishes to score maximum points.

Fortune Teller

You can spin the Zodiac Wheel in the Tavern to win some prizes. Each spin also gives you 3 points, for a maximum of 15 points with 5 spins. You get one free spin each day, additional spins cost 4 Knucklebones.

Portal Monster

The easiest way to achieve these points is by donating some Portal Dust to the Alliance Portal building (this needs to be build by Alliance Leadership first). Alternatively you can score the points by joining a rally to kill the Portal Monster once the Portal is opened. This does not happen every day and you need to be lucky enough to be on, so better to just donate some Portal Dust, which you can find in the Chests you get when slaying a Barbarian Captain while carrying a Barbarian Key.


There are a total of 7 prize levels. At levels 1, 3, 5 and 7 you get resources and knucklebone.

At levels 2, 4, and 6 you get Lord EXP, Steel and a Barbarian Key. These Barbarian Keys are very important as when you have them, you will get a Bonus Barbarian Chest when you successfully rally a Barbarian Camp.

In February 2017 the Lucky Shot feature was introduced and since then the prize stages 4 and 6 also give a Lucky Shot Coin as prize. These coins are unique for each month.

In April 2017 Noble Chests were introduced to the game, and prize stages 3, 5 and 7 give a Noble Key to unlock a Noble Chest.


Since you do a lot of the Daily Reward activities anyway, it is good to pay attention to this. A little effort can provide you with the three barbarian keys each day, that in turn provide you with great extra prizes when rallying barbarians. If you have questions or other suggestions, please share in the comment section.

Contributed by: on October 18, 2016

(last modified on April 26, 2017)

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