
The kingdom map contains Barbarian Camps. These Camps can be used to Rally Barbarians and start the Fallen Knight event. This guide will focus on Rallying the Barbarian Camps.

King of Avalon Barbarian Camps Guide

03/07/2017 - -

Rallying Barbarians to win interesting prizes.

King of Avalon Barbarian Rally

08/22/2017 - -

Explanation of how to make sure you get food from the Barbarian Rallies.

Attacking Barbarian Camps

When you select a Barbarian Camp you can Attack it. If you select Attack, you first need to select from a list of opponents, and afterwards from different times before the rally start marching. Once you set the rally you need at least one of your alliance members to join your rally before it can march, as with other rallies. Setting a rally and joining it costs 20 Stamina points.

You need to consider that you roughly need the same amount of troops in your rally as as listed for your opponent if you don't have much boosts. Having lots of combat boosts greatly reduces the amount of required troops.

By using the Hunt button in the Kingdom Map view, you can find nearby Barbarian Camps.

Different Levels and Opponents

There are barbarian camps of each 3 levels, e.g. lvl 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, and 30. When you attack any of these Barbarian Camps you can select an opponent of a level in a range around the level of the camp. For example if you attack a level 18 barbarian camp, you can select an opponent between levels 16 and 20.

Besides the level the opponent can also be a Cavalry, Bowmen or Master. The Cavalry and Bowmen each have a majority of that respective troop type, while a Master has a balanced army with the same amount of Cavalry and Bowmen.


The rewards you get from defeating a Barbarian Camp consist of 3 parts, Damage Loot, Victory Loot and Bonus Loot.

The Damage Loot are 1K Food or Wood items. The amount depends on the level of the Opponent and the percentage of damage you do. Note that it is not the case that for each higher barbarian level the loot is higher, instead there are certain jumps in loot. For camps up till lvl 12 the loot is 100k, for camps lvl 13-18 the loot is 200k, for camps lvl 19-24 300k and above 400k.

The Victory Loot are 1K Food items (the amount is the level of the opponent) a Barbarian Chest and optionally some seasonal event specific items (Carnival Beads at the moment of writing this guide) and Royal Coins for the older Kingdoms.

The Bonus Loot consists of a Bonus Barbarian Chest if you have at least one Barbarian Key.

You can get three Barbarian Keys a day by completing the Daily Rewards. In my eyes the Rewards for Barbarian Camps including the Bonus Loot are better than the rewards for monsters, so I suggest you use stamina for Barbarian Camp rallies as long as you have the keys.

The level of the Barbarian Chest and Bonus Barbarian Chest are influenced by the level of the opponent. They change at each 5 levels. From levels 16-20 you get lvl 4 chests, levels 21-25 lvl 5 chests and levels 26-30 lvl 6 chests. Level 30 is the highest level.

The Barbarian Chests can contain Lord EXP, Dragon EXP, Assault Power, Dragon Scale, 1K Food, 1K Wood, Knucklebone, 5m Speedup, Materials.

The Bonus Barbarian Chests can contain Lord EXP, Dragon EXP, Assault Power, Portal Dust, Steel, 60m Speedup, Materials.

The Bonus Barbarian Chests are the main way in the game to get Portal Dust, necessary for opening the Alliance Portal, so it is important that many people in your alliance rally the Barbarians, not only for their own benefit.


If you beat all opponents in a Barbarian Camp it will disappear, this might be useful in case you want to do Fallen Knights and you have a Barbarian Camp very close to your hive, so you give your members more time to react.

Players who want to lead Barbarian Rallies need to have a high level of their Hall of War, as this building is the main factor in determining how many troops can join a rally.

Each Barbarian Camp comes with a timer, but if the time expires after you have set a rally, everyone will get their stamina back.

If you lose a Barbarian Rally, you will get your Stamina back once your troops return to your city.

Barbarian Rallies result in a small amount of wounded troops.


I hope this explains how to deal with Barbarians Camps. If you have questions or you want to share tips for others, please leave your remarks in the comment section.

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