All information about the building Forge in King of Avalon including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.

The Forge is where you Synthesize Scrolls and Forge Equipment.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Forging SpeedSteel Consumption Lord XP Power Description Action
1 Stronghold 5 416.0 Wood 00:00:09 2.0% (inc)
2.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-0.5% (cum)
41 60 Register to Supply Data
2 Stronghold 2 583.0 Wood 00:00:27 2.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-1.0% (cum)
46 120 Register to Supply Data
3 Stronghold 3 874.0 Wood 00:01:00 2.0% (inc)
6.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-1.5% (cum)
55 294 Register to Supply Data
4 Stronghold 4 1.4K Wood 00:03:58 2.0% (inc)
8.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-2.0% (cum)
71 579 Register to Supply Data
5 Stronghold 5 1.4K Wood 00:07:55 2.0% (inc)
10.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-2.5% (cum)
97 975 Register to Supply Data
6 Stronghold 6 4.3K Wood 00:15:59 2.0% (inc)
12.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-3.0% (cum)
140 1,478 Register to Supply Data
7 Stronghold 7 8.1K Wood 00:36:00 2.0% (inc)
14.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-3.5% (cum)
213 2,090 Register to Supply Data
8 Stronghold 8 16K Wood 00:57:36 2.0% (inc)
16.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-4.0% (cum)
340 2,808 Register to Supply Data
9 Stronghold 9 33K Wood 01:20:37 2.0% (inc)
18.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-4.5% (cum)
545 3,633 Register to Supply Data
10 Stronghold 10 65K Wood 01:40:48 2.0% (inc)
20.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-5.0% (cum)
872 4,563 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Forging SpeedSteel Consumption Lord XP Power Description Action
11 Stronghold 11 126K Wood
1.3K Iron
02:05:59 2.0% (inc)
22.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-5.5% (cum)
1,594 5,600 Register to Supply Data
12 Stronghold 12 227K Wood
5.1K Iron
02:37:29 2.0% (inc)
24.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-6.0% (cum)
2,740 6,741 Register to Supply Data
13 Stronghold 13 384K Wood
14K Iron
03:16:51 2.0% (inc)
26.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-6.5% (cum)
4,414 7,987 Register to Supply Data
14 Stronghold 14 603K Wood
30K Iron
04:06:05 2.0% (inc)
28.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-7.0% (cum)
6,635 9,338 Register to Supply Data
15 Stronghold 15 876K Wood
58K Iron
05:07:36 2.0% (inc)
30.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-7.5% (cum)
9,256 10,792 Register to Supply Data
16 Stronghold 16 1.17M Wood
100K Iron
06:24:30 2.0% (inc)
32.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-8.0% (cum)
11,913 12,351 Register to Supply Data
17 Stronghold 17 1.36M Wood
158K Iron
5.7K Silver
08:00:39 2.0% (inc)
34.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-8.5% (cum)
14,474 14,013 Register to Supply Data
18 Stronghold 18 1.53M Wood
244K Iron
15K Silver
10:00:48 2.0% (inc)
36.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-9.0% (cum)
17,586 15,779 Register to Supply Data
19 Stronghold 19 1.65M Wood
370K Iron
31K Silver
12:31:01 2.0% (inc)
38.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-9.5% (cum)
21,367 17,648 Register to Supply Data
20 Stronghold 20 1.67M Wood
556K Iron
56K Silver
15:38:47 2.0% (inc)
40.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-10.0% (cum)
25,961 19,620 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Forging SpeedSteel Consumption Lord XP Power Description Action
21 Stronghold 21 1.50M Wood
824K Iron
94K Silver
18:46:32 2.0% (inc)
42.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-10.5% (cum)
33,295 21,694 Register to Supply Data
22 Stronghold 22 1.02M Wood
1.21M Iron
152K Silver
22:31:50 2.0% (inc)
44.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-11.0% (cum)
42,702 23,872 Register to Supply Data
23 Stronghold 23 1.37M Wood
1.50M Iron
239K Silver
1d 03:02:13 2.0% (inc)
46.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-11.5% (cum)
54,765 26,152 Register to Supply Data
24 Stronghold 24 1.85M Wood
1.84M Iron
369K Silver
1d 08:26:40 2.0% (inc)
48.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-12.0% (cum)
70,236 28,534 Register to Supply Data
25 Stronghold 25 2.49M Wood
2.24M Iron
560K Silver
1d 14:55:58 2.0% (inc)
50.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-12.5% (cum)
90,078 31,018 Register to Supply Data
26 Stronghold 26 3.36M Wood
2.70M Iron
840K Silver
1d 22:43:12 2.0% (inc)
52.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-13.0% (cum)
115,525 33,604 Register to Supply Data
27 Stronghold 27 4.54M Wood
3.18M Iron
1.25M Silver
2d 08:03:50 2.0% (inc)
54.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-13.5% (cum)
148,161 36,292 Register to Supply Data
28 Stronghold 28 6.13M Wood
3.68M Iron
1.84M Silver
2d 19:16:37 2.0% (inc)
56.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-14.0% (cum)
190,017 39,082 Register to Supply Data
29 Stronghold 29 8.27M Wood
4.96M Iron
2.48M Silver
3d 08:43:56 2.0% (inc)
58.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-14.5% (cum)
243,697 41,973 Register to Supply Data
30 Stronghold 30 11.20M Wood
6.70M Iron
3.35M Silver
4d 00:52:45 2.0% (inc)
60.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-15.0% (cum)
312,541 44,966 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Forging SpeedSteel Consumption Lord XP Power Description Action
31 Stronghold 31 14.13M Wood
6.70M Iron
3.35M Silver
4d 17:01:32 2.0% (inc)
62.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-15.5% (cum)
381,385 47,959 Register to Supply Data
32 Stronghold 32 17.06M Wood
6.70M Iron
3.35M Silver
5d 09:10:19 2.0% (inc)
64.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-16.0% (cum)
450,229 50,952
33 Stronghold 33 19.99M Wood
6.70M Iron
3.35M Silver
6d 01:19:08 2.0% (inc)
66.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-16.5% (cum)
519,073 53,945
34 Stronghold 34 22.92M Wood
6.70M Iron
3.35M Silver
6d 17:27:55 2.0% (inc)
68.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-17.0% (cum)
587,917 56,938
35 Stronghold 35 25.85M Wood
6.70M Iron
3.35M Silver
7d 09:36:43 2.0% (inc)
70.0% (cum)
-0.5% (inc)
-17.5% (cum)
656,761 59,931
36 Stronghold 36 26.11M Wood
6.77M Iron
3.38M Silver
9d 00:41:14 -0.5% (inc)
-18.0% (cum)
725,605 62,924
37 Stronghold 37 26.30M Wood
6.80M Iron
3.40M Silver
11d 00:21:28 -0.5% (inc)
-18.5% (cum)
38 Stronghold 38 26.60M Wood
6.90M Iron
3.40M Silver
13d 10:31:00 -0.5% (inc)
-19.0% (cum)
39 Stronghold 39 26.80M Wood
6.90M Iron
3.40M Silver
15d 00:59:33 -0.5% (inc)
-19.5% (cum)
40 Stronghold 40 27.10M Wood
7.00M Iron
3.50M Silver
20d 00:02:00 -0.5% (inc)
-20.0% (cum)
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Forging SpeedSteel Consumption Lord XP Power Description Action
41 Stronghold 41 28.50M Wood
7.30M Iron
3.60M Silver
21d 00:02:07 -0.5% (inc)
-20.5% (cum)
42 Stronghold 42 29.90M Wood
7.70M Iron
3.80M Silver
22d 01:14:13 -0.5% (inc)
-21.0% (cum)
43 Stronghold 43 31.40M Wood
8.10M Iron
4.00M Silver
23d 03:41:55 -0.5% (inc)
-21.5% (cum)
44 -0.5% (inc)
-22.0% (cum)
86,868 Register to Supply Data
45 -0.5% (inc)
-22.5% (cum)
89,861 Register to Supply Data
46 Register to Supply Data
47 Register to Supply Data
48 Register to Supply Data
49 Register to Supply Data
50 Register to Supply Data
Total Stronghold 43 374.12M Wood
121.35M Iron
56.51M Silver
187d 34:26:54 70.0% -22.5% 4,740,347 1,497,306
Level Resources Infantry AttackInfantry DamageInfantry Health
1 0 x Prestige Banner 2.15% (inc)
2.15% (cum)
2 1 x Prestige Banner 2.15% (inc)
4.3% (cum)
3 1 x Prestige Banner 2.15% (inc)
6.45% (cum)
4 1 x Prestige Banner 2.15% (inc)
8.6% (cum)
5 1 x Prestige Banner 2.15% (inc)
10.75% (cum)
6 1 x Prestige Banner 3.25% (inc)
14.0% (cum)
7 1 x Prestige Banner 3.25% (inc)
17.25% (cum)
8 2 x Prestige Banner 3.25% (inc)
20.5% (cum)
9 2 x Prestige Banner 3.25% (inc)
23.75% (cum)
10 2 x Prestige Banner 3.25% (inc)
27.0% (cum)
11 3 x Prestige Banner 4.3% (inc)
31.3% (cum)
12 4 x Prestige Banner 4.3% (inc)
35.6% (cum)
13 5 x Prestige Banner 4.3% (inc)
39.9% (cum)
14 7 x Prestige Banner 4.3% (inc)
44.2% (cum)
15 10 x Prestige Banner 4.3% (inc)
48.5% (cum)
16 14 x Prestige Banner 5.4% (inc)
53.9% (cum)
17 20 x Prestige Banner 5.4% (inc)
59.3% (cum)
18 27 x Prestige Banner 5.4% (inc)
64.7% (cum)
19 38 x Prestige Banner 5.4% (inc)
70.1% (cum)
20 54 x Prestige Banner 5.4% (inc)
75.5% (cum)
21 108 x Prestige Banner 6.45% (inc)
81.95% (cum)
22 162 x Prestige Banner 6.45% (inc)
88.4% (cum)
23 216 x Prestige Banner 6.45% (inc)
94.85% (cum)
24 270 x Prestige Banner 6.45% (inc)
101.3% (cum)
25 324 x Prestige Banner 6.45% (inc)
107.75% (cum)
26 379 x Prestige Banner 7.55% (inc)
115.3% (cum)
27 433 x Prestige Banner 7.55% (inc)
122.85% (cum)
28 487 x Prestige Banner 7.55% (inc)
130.4% (cum)
29 541 x Prestige Banner 7.55% (inc)
137.95% (cum)
30 595 x Prestige Banner 7.55% (inc)
145.5% (cum)
31 975 x Prestige Banner 4.45% (inc)
4.45% (cum)
2.22% (inc)
2.22% (cum)
32 1325 x Prestige Banner 4.46% (inc)
8.91% (cum)
2.23% (inc)
4.45% (cum)
33 1675 x Prestige Banner 4.45% (inc)
13.36% (cum)
2.23% (inc)
6.68% (cum)
34 2025 x Prestige Banner 4.46% (inc)
17.82% (cum)
2.23% (inc)
8.91% (cum)
35 2375 x Prestige Banner 4.46% (inc)
22.28% (cum)
2.23% (inc)
11.14% (cum)
36 450 x Prestige Banner
130 x Royal Banner
6.7% (inc)
28.98% (cum)
1.5% (inc)
147.0% (cum)
3.4% (inc)
14.54% (cum)
Total 12534 x Prestige Banner
130 x Royal Banner
28.98% 147.0% 14.54%

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Guide(s): Forging Equipment

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