All information about the research project Cavalry Attack I in King of Avalon including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Reward Lord XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 Academy 0
Cavalry Damage I 5
5.10M Food
11.30M Wood
2.00M Iron
1.30M Silver
208.0 Conquest Feathers
04:37:47 0
2 5.50M Food
13.10M Wood
3.10M Iron
2.30M Silver
417.0 Conquest Feathers
09:15:33 Register to Supply Data
3 6.10M Food
16.10M Wood
4.90M Iron
4.10M Silver
764.0 Conquest Feathers
16:58:32 Register to Supply Data
Total Academy 0
Cavalry Damage I 5
16.70M Food
40.50M Wood
10.00M Iron
7.70M Silver
1.4K Conquest Feathers
1d 06:51:52 0

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