All information about the research project Infantry Health I in King of Avalon including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Infantry Health Lord XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 University 26
Troop Attack I 1
7.06M Food
20.81M Wood
1.35M Iron
269K Silver
3d 22:55:57 7.0% (inc)
7.0% (cum)
67,539 17.1
2 University 27 7.96M Food
23.79M Wood
1.51M Iron
299K Silver
5d 02:03:28 7.0% (inc)
14.0% (cum)
67,539 13.3
3 University 28 9.01M Food
27.31M Wood
1.71M Iron
334K Silver
6d 11:51:24 7.0% (inc)
21.0% (cum)
67,539 10.4
Total University 28
Troop Attack I 1
24.03M Food
71.91M Wood
4.57M Iron
903K Silver
15d 12:50:49 21.0% 202,617 13.0

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