All information about the research project Infantry Defense II in King of Avalon including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Infantry Defense Lord XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 University 11
March Speed II 1
210K Food
90K Wood
03:35:18 1.0% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
3,716 24.9
2 University 12 269K Food
145K Wood
04:04:32 1.0% (inc)
2.0% (cum)
3,825 22.5
3 University 13 383K Food
223K Wood
6.4K Iron
05:37:21 1.0% (inc)
3.0% (cum)
4,717 20.1
4 University 14 457K Food
324K Wood
10.0K Iron
06:55:31 1.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
5,163 17.9
5 University 15 527K Food
454K Wood
15K Iron
08:19:15 1.0% (inc)
5.0% (cum)
5,469 15.8
6 University 16 664K Food
693K Wood
24K Iron
11:00:06 1.0% (inc)
6.0% (cum)
6,334 13.8
Total University 16
March Speed II 1
2.51M Food
1.93M Wood
55K Iron
1d 15:32:03 6.0% 29,224 17.7

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