
Inside the Walls in your City there are a variety of Buildings you can build and upgrade. In this guide we will explain the function of several buildings that have to do with attaacking, the Barracks, Stables, Range, Siege Workshop, Embassy and Hall of War.

King of Avalon City Buildings Guide Part III

02/15/2017 - -

Explanation of the buildings for doing combat, Barracks, Range, Stables, Siege Workshop, Embassy and Hall of War.


The Barracks are where you train Infantry troops. There are 10 tiers of Infantry troops. From Barracks lvl 1 to 22 at every 3rd level another tier is unlocked. The last two tiers are unlocked at levels 26 and 30.

The amount of Infantry Troops and the Training Speed are mainly influenced by the amount of level of Military Tents.

Infantry are sort of a buffer in your army. They do not do a lot of damage and relatively lots of them will die, but if you don't put enough in your army, you will even lose more of your other troops. If you are attacking a lot, make sure you train a lot of Infantry, as Infantry you will typically lose, and you better stop attacking if you have not sufficient Infantry anymore.

There are two different types of Infantry. Spearmen have an increased Defense against Light Cavalry. Warriors have an increased Defense against Archers. Best to make sure you have a large amount of both so that you can customize your attack force based on your opponents army composition.

As Infantry or not damage dealers, they are mostly their for defense, you do not need to use them for special events like the Portal Challenge, where the goal is just to inflict damage, and you won't have any casualties.

Training infantry is part of the Daily Rewards.


The Stables are where you train Cavalry troops. There are 10 tiers of Cavalry troops. From Stables lvl 1 to 22 at every 3rd level another tier is unlocked. The last two tiers are unlocked at levels 26 and 30.

The amount of Cavalry Troops and the Training Speed are mainly influenced by the amount of level of Military Tents.

Cavalry in between Bowmen and Infantry. They do in general not as much damage as Bowmen, but more so than Infantry. If you do not have enough Infantry, your Cavalry is likely to die next. If your opponent does not have sufficient Infantry your Cavalry can do many kills.

There are two different types of Cavalry. Light Cavalry have an increased Attack against Archers. Heavy Cavalry have an increased Attack against Warriors. Best to make sure you have a large amount of both so that you can customize your attack force based on your opponents army composition.

Training Cavalry is part of the Daily Rewards.


The Range are where you train Bowmen troops. There are 10 tiers of Bowmen troops. From Range lvl 1 to 22 at every 3rd level another tier is unlocked. The last two tiers are unlocked at levels 26 and 30.

The amount of Bowmen Troops and the Training Speed are mainly influenced by the amount of level of Military Tents.

Bowmen are the damage dealers in your squad. You need especially Infantry and to a lesser extend Cavalry to project your Bowmen, without those they will be wiped out easily, but if you study your battle reports you will see most damage is done by Bowmen.

There are two different types of Bowmen. Archers have an increased Attack against Cavalry and Siege Troops. Crossbowmen have an increased Attack against Spearmen. Best to make sure you have a large amount of both so that you can customize your attack force based on your opponents army composition.

Training Bowmen is part of the Daily Rewards.

Siege Workshop

The Siege Workshop are where you train Siege troops. There are 10 tiers of Siege troops. From Siege Workshop lvl 1 to 22 at every 3rd level another tier is unlocked. The last two tiers are unlocked at levels 26 and 30.

The amount of Siege Troops and the Training Speed are mainly influenced by the amount of level of Military Tents.

Siege are especially useful when attack cities.

There are two different types of Siege troops. Distance Siege have an increased Attack against Traps. Towers and Rams help protect your troops by absorbing the brunt of the opposition Trap Attack. Best to make sure you have a large amount of both so that you can customize your attack force based on your opponents army composition.

Training Siege troops is part of the Daily Rewards.


The Embassy has two completely different functions.

The least relevant for this guide is that the level of your Embassy influences the number of Timer Helps you can receive and the amount of seconds that is deducted from each Timer Help. Since in this game the Helps are just a fixed number of seconds as opposed to a percentage of the remaining timer that we see in some other games, the benefit of these Helps is quite limited. There is alliance research that further increases the amount of Timer Helps and the Seconds per Timer Help.

The more relevant part for this guide is that the level of your Embassy increases the Reinforcement Capacity. This capacity determines how many troops from your allies you can hold. These troops fight for you when your city is attacked.

Although it is nice to be able to hold reinforcements, compared to the Rally Capacity influenced by the Hall of War, which we will discuss next, the Reinforcement Capacity is very small, which gives rally attackers a big advantage. Still, you normally have plenty of time to prepare for a rally attack and a common strategy is for players attacking hives to load up their Embassy with Reinforcements first so that they can more easily withstand solo attacks.

Reinforcing troops defeated in battle will go to the hospital.

Via the Reinforce menu of the Embassy you can get a summary and detailed overview of the troops currently reinforcing you. You can also send Reinforcements home via this menu.

Via the Help menu you can get an overview of all Help requests and acivate a Help All.

You can also activate Help All by clicking on the Shaking Hands icon above the embassy.

Via the Great Hall menu the King can show a message to all players. In addition the King can perform a number of actions here with the Royal Coins.

The Embassy is a prerequisite for the Hall of War and the Trading Post.

Reinforcing someone and providing Timer Helps is part of the Daily Rewards.

Hall of War

The Hall of War influences the Rally Capacity. This is the amount of troops that can join when you set a rally.

If you have the ambition to be one of the stronger players, this is very important. Taking on big targets will require rallying with many troops.

Also for less ambitious players it is still important to have a high level Hall of War, as it is not only the big wars, but also Barbarian Camps, Portal Challenges and many of the Special Events that require rallies. In such cases you do not always want to be dependent on whether the big players in your alliance are online.

The Hall of War is the only building that requires a special ingredient in addition to the normal resources, Books of War. Although you get some for free so now and then, if you want to upgrade you often need to purchase them for 5 gold a piece. This is a reason why sometimes even powerful players haven't upgraded it to a high level yet. The gold you need to spend to get the Books of War is just something you need to accept, it is worth it.

Via the Rally menu of the Hall of War you can het an overview of all active Battles, any active Spells (cast from the Dragon Altar) and any active Event Battles. The same can be accessed from the Alliance - War menu.


I hope this gives you some idea of the function and importance of the Barracks, Stables, Range, Siege Workshop, Embassy and Hall of War. If you have any questions or tips, please share them in the comments.

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