
At the start of March 2017 there is a Lucky Draw that allows you to get some free goodies.

How it Works

Next to the icon for the sales at the right top of the screen, there is a new icon for the Lucky Draw. When you click on it, there are three Steps to select possible prizes and afterwards you can make draws from the prizes. This works in a similar way as the Tarot Reading, and the same as the New Year Draw. However the first lucky draw already costs 7 Tokens, the second 12 Tokens and afterwards it costs an increasing amount of Tokens to make more selections. These Tokens can be acquired by completing the Daily Rewards (2 Tokens per day) to a certain level (do not forget to claim them each day) and by topping up a minimum of 1000 gold in the gold store (5 Tokens).

Steps and Possible Prizes

You have to pick 4 prizes from Step 1. The prizes are an 300 Gold, 35 Mini Material Chests, 20 Intensity Crystals (I), 2 Sentinel Gem (I), 2 Stallion Stone (I), 2 Air Stone (I), 20 Intensity Crystal (II), 6 Refining Stone (I), 10 Intensity Crystal (III).

You have to pick 3 prizes from Step 2. The prizes are 10,000 Gold, 125 Small Material Chest, 10 Purple Scroll Fragments, 7 Refining Stone (II), 3 Orange Scroll Fragments, Sentinel Jewel (II), 5 Intensity Crystal (IV), Stallion Gem (II), Air Gem (II).

You have to pick 2 prizes from Step 3. The prizes are Champion Gem (III), 40,000 Gold, Champion Jewel (III), Refining Stone (III), Intensity Crystal (IV), 2 Warmonger Helmet Scroll Fragment, 4 Warmonger Necklace Scroll Fragment, 1,800,000 Dragon EXP, 3 Warmonger Armor Scroll Fragment.

Best Prizes

It is difficult to say what the best prizes are. Not all of them have a direct monetary value, as you cannot purchase them with gold. I went for Intensity Crystals and material chests from Step 1, gold, material chest and scroll fragments from step 2, and gold and dragon EXP from step 3.

Confirm Pick

Once you selected the prizes you can Confirm your pick (if you don't, all will be reset the next time you enter the Lucky Draw). Once you have done that you cannot change.


The prizes are nice, but you need to spend to get more than one prize. Like with other seemingly random things in the game, they are not very random at all. I expect it is impossible to get the top prizes in your first draw.

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