
Similar to the Gold Event at times there is also an Alliance Event active, consisting of various stages. You score points based on individual activities, but receive prizes when the points of all members in the alliance combined reach certain target levels. This guide is about the Troop Training Event.

How to Train Troops

In the Barracks, Range, Stables and Siege Workshop you can train troops of the four different types.


Points are acquired based on the tier of the troops. The higher the tier the more points you score.


There are target point levels for the combined points of all alliance members. Once they are reached only the players that have scored points for the event will receive the corresponding prizes.

Preparation and Boosts

The Troop Training Speed boost determines how fast you can train troops. The Training Capacity boost determines how many troops you can train at a time. A very important way to increase both these boosts is by building Military Tents. For every building, every level, the boosts increase.

In addition the Troop Training Speed can be increased by projects in the Balance Talent Points and research projects in the Development research category.

Also make sure you have plenty of resources (especially food) and speedups.


Try to keep the troop training in all four buildings continue all day.


I hope these tips make it easy to win the Troop Training Alliance Event. If you have questions or want to share more tips, please use the comment section below.

Related Pages

Guide(s): Alliance Event: Fortune Teller Stage, Alliance Event: Upgrade Stage, Alliance Event: Monster Kill Stage

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