Difference between Soul Conversion and Wounded Conversion
What is the difference between Soul Conversion and Wounded Conversion? Wounded Conversion is a percentage that influences how many of your troops that die in battle end up in your hospitals (assuming you have enough hospital capacity). This is relevant for battles in which your troops actually die, such as when you attack another stronghold or attack or defend Avalon or Avalon Towers (when you for example defend your Stronghold, or are hit on a tile, all your casualties will go hospital anyway). Soul Conversion is a percentage that influences how many of your wounded troops go to the Sanctum once the hospital capacity is full. To make it more confusing for players that play both Guns of Glory and King of Avalon. Wounded Conversion in Guns of Glory is the same as Soul Conversion in King of Avalon, not the same as Wounded Conversion in King of Avalon.
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