All information relating to the material Copper Wire in World War Rising including how it can be acquired and how it can be used.
Where to find Copper Wire
Crates Flame Thrower Crate
Mission Types Hero Missions

We are still gathering information about where materials can be found. Any additional information is much appreciated and will be added to the website promptly. You can either send an e-mail to the address in the footer of this page or leave a comment.

All Gear Requiring Copper Wire

Accessories Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials Quality Level 6 Boosts
Flame Thrower Weapon Strap 1 110K 1 Copper Wire, 1 Rubber, 1 Stainless Steel, 1 Tin 27.0% Troop Attack, 16.0% Troop Health
Body Armor Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials Quality Level 6 Boosts
Flame Thrower Uniform 1 110K 1 Copper Wire, 1 Pine Wood, 1 Silk, 1 Stainless Steel 91.0% Troop Armor, 29.0% Troop Attack, 21.0% Attack Deployment Speed
Ornate Parade Jacket 1 900K 1 Copper Wire, 1 Ornate Gold Button, 1 Ornate Gold Nugget, 1 Ornate Navy Cloth 00:10:00 Research Time Reduction, 3.0% Research Speed
Sidearms Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials Quality Level 6 Boosts
Flame Thrower Sidearm 1 110K 2 Copper Wire, 1 CO2 Tank, 1 Stainless Steel 56.0% Troop Attack, 35.0% Attack Deployment Speed, 24.0% Troop Armor
Weapons Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials Quality Level 6 Boosts
Ornate Parade Gun 1 900K 2 Ornate Gold Nugget, 1 Copper Wire, 1 Gun Oil 00:10:00 Research Time Reduction, 3.0% Research Speed

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