2nd Insignia Slot |
Advanced Combat Research Speed |
Advanced Trap Research Speed |
Alliance Help Maximum |
Alliance Mission Bonus |
Arsenal Ammunition Slot |
Attachment Gathering Luck |
Autocomplete Alliance Helps |
Battle Tactics Research Speed |
Bonus Interest Rate 1 Day |
Bonus Interest Rate 14 Days |
Bonus Interest Rate 3 Days |
Bonus Interest Rate 7 Days |
Boost Preset Slots |
Cement Pillar Cost Reduction |
Coin Base Capacity |
Coin Capacity Increase |
Coin Hourly Production |
Coin Production |
Combat Boost Preset Slot |
Combat Research Speed |
Commander Preset Slot |
Commander Research Tree Time |
Commander Skill Points |
Commander XP Modifier |
Commander XP Retention |
Construction Speed |
Construction Time Reduction |
Core Gathering Luck |
Core High Range Boost |
Daily Mission Bonus |
Deployment Preset Slot |
Deployment Slots |
Deployment Speed |
Disassemble and Break Efficiency |
Disassemble Enhance Refund |
Economy Boost Preset Slot |
Enhancement Efficiency |
Execution Delay Reduction |
Food Base Capacity |
Food Capacity Increase |
Food Hourly Production |
Food Production |
Gather Speed on Rebel Tiles |
Gathering Deployment Capacity |
Gathering Deployment Speed |
Gathering Speed |
Gold from Ransom Increase |
Gold Gathering Speed |
Hospital Capacity |
Hospital Capacity Increase |
Hospital Healing Speed |
Hunter Resource Training Cost Reduction |
Increase Serum Duration |
Ingredients Manufacturing Slots |
Instant Construction Speed Up Minutes |
Iron Base Capacity |
Iron Capacity Increase |
Iron Hourly Production |
Iron Production |
Legendary Hammer Cost Reduction |
Legendary Resource Hammer Cost Reduction |
Manufacturing Research Food Cost Reduction |
Manufacturing Research Iron Cost Reduction |
Manufacturing Research Oil Cost Reduction |
Manufacturing Research Stone Cost Reduction |
Manufacturing Research Tree Time |
Manufacturing Speed |
Manufacturing Time Reduction for Normal Equipment |
Mass Deployment Recall Speed |
Max Core Power Level |
Max Normal Power Level |
Maximum Deposit 1 Day |
Maximum Deposit 14 Days |
Maximum Deposit 3 Days |
Maximum Deposit 7 Days |
Milestone Boost Preset Slot |
Mod Preset Slot |
Normal Equipment Manufacturing Cost Reduction |
Oil Base Capacity |
Oil Capacity Increase |
Oil Hourly Production |
Oil Production |
Open Alliance Gifts |
Open Crates |
Open Resource Items |
Phantom Jet Resource Training Cost Reduction |
Promotion Capacity Increase |
Promotion Cost Reduction |
Promotion Troop Queue |
Protector Resource Training Cost Reduction |
Prototype Gear Duration |
Prototype Gear Manufacturing Cost Reduction |
Prototype Gear Manufacturing Cost Reduction Multiplier |
Prototype Gear Manufacturing Luck |
Prototype Gear Manufacturing Speed |
Radar Station Capability |
Rebel Base Deployment Size Bonus |
Rebel Target Skill Points |
Recall March Speed |
Research File Reduction |
Research Speed |
Research Time Reduction |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Resource Help Capacity |
Resource Production |
Resource Receive Capacity |
Resource Send Capacity |
Resource Tax Decrease |
Restricted File Reduction |
Scouting |
Serum Army Attack |
Serum Army Defense |
Serum Army Health |
Serum Max Range Boost |
Serum Min Range Boost |
Serum Troop Attack |
Serum Troop Defense |
Serum Troop Health |
Set Bonus Research Speed |
Stalkers Resource Training Cost Reduction |
Stone Base Capacity |
Stone Capacity Increase |
Stone Hourly Production |
Stone Production |
Striker Resource Training Cost Reduction |
Tier 1 Troop Queue |
Tier 2 Troop Queue |
Tier 3 Troop Queue |
Tier 4 to 5 RSS Cost Red. |
Tier 4 Troop Queue |
Tier 5 Troop Queue |
Training Cost Reduction |
Training Speed |
Trap Training Speed |
Troop Load |
Troop Load on Rebel Tiles |
Troop Promotion Speed |
Troop Queue |
Troop Queue Bonus |
Upkeep Efficiency |
Upkeep Reduction |
Upkeep Reduction Multiplier |
Use Multiple Speed Ups for Construction |
Use Multiple Speed Ups for Promoting |
Use Multiple Speed Ups for Research |
Use Multiple Speed Ups for Training |
Use Multiple Speed Ups for Trap Building |
Use Multiple VIP Items |
Vault Interest Rate Increase |
Vault Maximum Deposit Increase |
VIP Mission Bonus |
War Zone Deployment Speed |
Warehouse Capacity |
Warehouse Capacity Increase |