All information relating to the boost type Promotion Troop Queue in Mobile Strike including what research projects increase Promotion Troop Queue and what the best gear is for Promotion Troop Queue.
Name Promotion Troop Queue
Type Counter
Category Max Boost
Buildings +20,000,000,000
Best Gear +500,000
All Insignia +300,000
Total +20,000,800,000

Total building boosts are based on 22 Farms, Oil Wells, Iron Mines, Quarries and 15 Banks, Hospitals, Training Grounds, where applicable.
Total gear boosts are based on availability of three accessory slots.
Boosts from Insignia are only active for limited time and have a cooldown period.

Buildings Giving Promotion Troop Queue Boost

Building Total Boost
Troop Academy +20,000,000,000

Best Gear for Promotion Troop Queue Boost

Gear Type Gear Quality Level 6 Boost
Promotion Troop Queue
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Weapons Captain's Demolisher +500,000 50 10.46M 2 Quick Release Clip, 1 Deep Forest Polymer, 1 Anniversary Cobalt
Total +500,000 50 10.46M 2 Quick Release Clip
1 Deep Forest Polymer
1 Anniversary Cobalt

Totals are based on three accessories.

All Gear Giving Promotion Troop Queue Boost (basic boosts without enhancement)

Weapons Quality Level 6 Boost Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Captain's Demolisher +500,000 50 10.46M 2 Quick Release Clip, 1 Deep Forest Polymer, 1 Anniversary Cobalt
Master Beret's Breacher +500,000 50 4.87M 3 Crimson Velvet, 1 Pocket Knife
The Enforcer +5,000 50 30.12M 4 Uranium

All Insignia Giving Promotion Troop Queue Boost

Insignia Quality Level 6 Boost
Troop Academy Insignia +300,000

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