All information about the building Troop Academy in Mobile Strike including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.

In the Troop Academy you can promote your Troops to higher Tiers and Troop Types.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Promotion Troop
Reward Commander XP Power Description Action
1 1 Troop Academy BLUEPRINT +2,000 (inc)
+2,000 (cum)
Unlocks Tier 1 to Tier 1 Promotion
Unlocks Tier 1 to Tier 2 Promotion
0 Register to Supply Data
2 5.31M Stone
5.96M Oil
5.22M Iron
16.94M Food
60 Golden Badges
6d 06:33:20 +500 (inc)
+2,500 (cum)
Unlocks Tier 2 to Tier 2 Promotion
Unlocks Tier 2 to Tier 3 Promotion
90,000 270,000 Register to Supply Data
3 8.64M Stone
8.78M Oil
6.79M Iron
21.78M Food
65 Golden Badges
10d 13:20:00 +500 (inc)
+3,000 (cum)
Unlocks Tier 3 to Tier 3 Promotion 156,000 120,000 Register to Supply Data
4 16.84M Stone
20.17M Oil
11.47M Iron
50.17M Food
70 Golden Badges
22d 16:45:00 +1,000 (inc)
+4,000 (cum)
Unlocks Tier 3 to Tier 4 Promotion
Unlocks Tier 4 to Tier 4 Promotion
300,000 480,000 Register to Supply Data
5 17.29M Stone
28.99M Oil
16.35M Iron
74.71M Food
75 Golden Badges
+4,000 (inc)
+8,000 (cum)
398,000 470,000 Register to Supply Data
6 +4,000 (inc)
+12,000 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
7 34.99M Stone
34.72M Oil
25.03M Iron
87.86M Food
90 Golden Badges
+13,000 (inc)
+25,000 (cum)
550,000 50,000 Register to Supply Data
8 +25,000 (inc)
+50,000 (cum)
Unlocks Troop to Advanced Troop Promotion 0 Register to Supply Data
9 +25,000 (inc)
+75,000 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
10 +25,000 (inc)
+100,000 (cum)
0 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Promotion Troop
Reward Commander XP Power Description Action
11 86.89M Stone
82.42M Oil
55.41M Iron
115.35M Food
380 Golden Badges
+25,000 (inc)
+125,000 (cum)
920,000 304,800 Register to Supply Data
12 95.58M Stone
90.66M Oil
60.95M Iron
126.88M Food
480 Golden Badges
+25,000 (inc)
+150,000 (cum)
1,086,000 767,192 Register to Supply Data
13 105.14M Stone
99.73M Oil
67.04M Iron
139.57M Food
600 Golden Badges
+25,000 (inc)
+175,000 (cum)
1,211,000 505,677 Register to Supply Data
14 115.65M Stone
109.70M Oil
73.75M Iron
153.53M Food
800 Golden Badges
104d 17:41:49 +25,000 (inc)
+200,000 (cum)
1,313,000 642,324 Register to Supply Data
15 127.21M Stone
120.67M Oil
81.12M Iron
168.88M Food
1,200 Golden Badges
115d 05:04:00 +50,000 (inc)
+250,000 (cum)
Unlocks Mercenary to Normal Troop Promotion
Unlocks Advanced to Mercenary Troop Promotion
1,400,000 411,505 Register to Supply Data
16 152.66M Stone
144.80M Oil
97.35M Iron
202.65M Food
1,200 Golden Badges
1,200 Normal Golden Badges
+250,000 (inc)
+500,000 (cum)
Unlocks Tier 4 to Tier 5 Promotion
Unlocks Tier 5 to Tier 5 Promotion
1,680,000 1,150,299 Register to Supply Data
17 183.19M Stone
173.76M Oil
116.81M Iron
243.18M Food
1,200 Golden Badges
1,200 Advanced Golden Badges
165d 21:41:45 +250,000 (inc)
+750,000 (cum)
2,016,000 1,380,359 Register to Supply Data
18 219.83M Stone
208.51M Oil
140.18M Iron
291.82M Food
1,200 Golden Badges
1,200 Mercenary Golden Badges
199d 02:02:07 +250,000 (inc)
+1,000,000 (cum)
2,419,200 1,656,431 Register to Supply Data
19 263.79M Stone
250.22M Oil
168.21M Iron
350.19M Food
2,000 Golden Badges
100,000 Ultimate Golden Badges
238d 21:38:32 +1,000,000 (inc)
+2,000,000 (cum)
2,903,040 1,987,717 Register to Supply Data
20 Headquarters 20 316.55M Stone
300.26M Oil
201.86M Iron
420.22M Food
1,000,000 Omega Golden Badges
286d 16:22:14 +19,998,000,000 (inc)
+20,000,000,000 (cum)
3,483,648 2,385,261

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