All information relating to the boost type Prototype Gear Manufacturing Speed in Mobile Strike including what research projects increase Prototype Gear Manufacturing Speed and what the best gear is for Prototype Gear Manufacturing Speed.
Name Prototype Gear Manufacturing Speed
Type Percentage
Category Max Boost
Best Gear 53.0%
Total 53.0%

Total gear boosts are based on availability of three accessory slots.

Best Gear for Prototype Gear Manufacturing Speed Boost

Gear Type Gear Quality Level 6 Boost
Prototype Gear Manufacturing Speed
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Accessories Blackout Wrench 6.0% 50 4.44M 1 Servicing Clamp, 1 Servicing Kit, 1 Red Dye, 1 Weapon Polish
Body Armor Refiner's Tool Vest 8.0% 50 4.42M 2 Scrap Cloth, 1 Servicing Clamp, 1 Servicing Kit
Footwear Refiner's Slacks 8.0% 50 4.87M 2 Servicing Clamp, 2 Servicing Kit
Helmets Refiner's Mask 9.0% 50 4.94M 2 Servicing Clamp, 2 Scrap Cloth
Weapons Refiner's Enforcer 10.0% 50 5.23M 2 Ammo Box, 1 Servicing Kit, 1 Weapon Polish
Total 53.0% 50 32.77M 8 Servicing Clamp
7 Servicing Kit
4 Scrap Cloth
4 Weapon Polish
3 Red Dye
2 Ammo Box

Totals are based on three accessories.

All Gear Giving Prototype Gear Manufacturing Speed Boost (basic boosts without enhancement)

Accessories Quality Level 6 Boost Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Blackout Wrench 6.0% 50 4.44M 1 Servicing Clamp, 1 Servicing Kit, 1 Red Dye, 1 Weapon Polish
Refiner's Wrench 5.0% 50 4.44M 2 Weapon Polish, 1 Servicing Clamp, 1 Servicing Kit
Body Armor Quality Level 6 Boost Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Refiner's Tool Vest 8.0% 50 4.42M 2 Scrap Cloth, 1 Servicing Clamp, 1 Servicing Kit
Footwear Quality Level 6 Boost Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Refiner's Slacks 8.0% 50 4.87M 2 Servicing Clamp, 2 Servicing Kit
Helmets Quality Level 6 Boost Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Refiner's Mask 9.0% 50 4.94M 2 Servicing Clamp, 2 Scrap Cloth
Weapons Quality Level 6 Boost Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Refiner's Enforcer 10.0% 50 5.23M 2 Ammo Box, 1 Servicing Kit, 1 Weapon Polish

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