
The Hero shop is located inside the Hall of Heroes Alliance Building, but can easily be directly accessed via the Alliance - Hero Store menu. The Hero Store credit (Hero Coins) can be acquired by donating to bounties and completing Hero Achievements. In the store you can also exchange many items you are not interested in anymore for Hero Coins, I typically do that with epic guard fragments of guards I do not plan to use. There are many interesting items in the Hero Store, such as materials, guard fragments, glory banners, refining stones. Keep in mind that for some items it might be more attractive to raise a bounty using the hero coins instead, and there are some items (e.g. Airship EXP, Steel, Aristocrat Badges) that you can get by raising a bounty, but not from the store directly. The Hero Store needs to be stocked by the alliance leaders.

Available Building Blocks

Note: table below just shows what we refer to as building blocks (the items you need to buy again and again as building blocks to keep developing your account) and is not a complete overview of all available items.

Category Building Block Description Building Block Quantity Shop Credits
Airship Airship Advanced Ability Design Fragments 20 x Airship Ability Design Fragments from Bounty 20 54,000
Airship Airship Advanced Ability Design Fragments 10 x Airship Ability Design Fragments from Bounty 10 27,000
Airship Airship Advanced Ability Design Fragments 5 x Airship Ability Design Fragments from Bounty 5 13,500
Airship Airship EXP 135 x 20K Airship EXP from Bounty 1,300,000 13,500
Airship Airship EXP 110 x 100K Airship EXP from Bounty 5,500,000 54,000
Airship Airship EXP 270 x 20K Airship EXP from Bounty 2,700,000 27,000
Airship Airship Wrench 20 x Airship Wrench from Bounty 20 54,000
Airship Airship Wrench 10 x Airship Wrench from Bounty 10 27,000
Airship Airship Wrench 5 x Airship Wrench from Bounty 5 13,500
Airship Assault Power Small Assault Power 500 7
Airship Guardian Power Small Guardian Power 500 7
Airship Intensity Gear (I) Intensity Gear (III) 64 2,000
Airship Intensity Gear (I) Intensity Gear (II) 8 500
Airship Intensity Gear (I) Intensity Gear (I) 1 125
Airship Intensity Gear (I) 7 x Intensity Gear (III) from Bounty 448 13,500
Airship Intensity Gear (I) 3 x Intensity Gear (IV) from Bounty 1,536 27,000
Airship Intensity Gear (I) 2 x Intensity Gear (V) from Bounty 8,192 54,000
Creation Creation EXP 2500 Creation EXP 2,500 250
Gemstone Raw Hope Gemstome (IV) Fragments Raw Hope Gemstone (IV) Fragments 1 10
Gemstone Refining Points Refining Stone (V) 2,770 3,740
Gemstone Refining Points Refining Stone (VI) 11,110 14,997
Gemstone Refining Points Refining Stone (IV) 690 932
Gemstone Refining Points Refining Stone (I) 10 14
Gemstone Refining Points Refining Stone (II) 40 54
Gemstone Refining Points Refining Stone (III) 170 230
Guards Guard EXP 900 x 2000 Guard EXP from Bounty 900,000 54,000
Guards Guard EXP 1800 x 500 Guard EXP from Bounty 450,000 27,000
Guards Guard EXP 900 x 500 Guard EXP from Bounty 225,000 13,500
Guards Guard Fragment Epic Standard Sealed Epic Guard Fragment 1 1,200
Guards Guard Fragment Epic Standard 44 x Epic Guard Fragments from Bounty 44 54,000
Guards Guard Fragment Epic Standard 22 x Epic Guard Fragments from Bounty 22 27,000
Guards Guard Fragment Rare Sealed Rare Guard Fragment 1 240
Guards Guard Fragment Regular Sealed Regular Guard Fragment 1 60
Lord Animal Hide Coal Ebony Beast Fang Animal Hide Coal Ebony Beast Fang 1 2
Lord Cedar Sandelwood Feather Cedar, Sandalwood or Feather 1 3
Lord Fur and Bone Fur or Bone 1 2
Lord Lord EXP 9 x 20K Lord EXP from Bounty 180,000 27,000
Lord Lord EXP 5 x 100K Lord EXP from Bounty 500,000 54,000
Lord Lord EXP 5 x 20K Lord EXP from Bounty 100,000 13,500
Lord Red Diamond Red Diamond 1 300
Lord Snakewood Snakewood 1 14
Lord Talon Talon 1 60
Lord Tanzanite and Benitoite Tanzanite or Benitoite 1 8
Lord Tourmaline and Beast Blood Beast Blood or Tourmaline 1 4
Resource Steel 220 x 1K Steel from Bounty 220,000 13,500
Resource Steel 450 x 1K Steel from Bounty 450,000 27,000
Resource Steel 900 x 1K Steel from Bounty 900,000 54,000
Special Aristocrat Badges 70 Aristocrat Badges from Bounty 70 54,000
Special Aristocrat Badges 35 Aristocrat Badges from Bounty 35 27,000
Special Aristocrat Badges 17 Aristocrat Badges from Bounty 17 13,500
Special Glory Banners Glory Banner 1 16

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