Why You Need It

Only required for equipment levels 11-15 (Sandalwood and Feather) or Green equipment (Cedar).

Best Way To Get It

You get a lot of materials during normal game play, but you might still find yourself short when wanting to forge pieces. What the best way is to get materials also depends on the various credits you might have, price wise there is not a very strong preference.

Other Ways To Get It

You get the materials from killing beasts (Sandalwood and Feather, level 15-23), from Bonus Red Guard Chests (Cedar) and from most of the (seasonal) events, and you can buy them in various shops.

Keep In Mind

These materials are only required for simple equipment that you will replace quite soon, so it might not be worthwhile to spend your valuable credits on.

Shop Availability

Shop Description Building Block Quantity Shop Credits
Expedition Shop Cedar, Sandalwood or Feather 1 10
Hero Store Cedar, Sandalwood or Feather 1 3


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