All Gear Requiring Crimson Gold

Armor Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Materials Boosts
Buccaneer Wraps 26 4.98M 2447 Crimson Gold 155.87% Distance Health, 155.87% Infantry Health, 148.11% Artillery Defense, 148.1% Cavalry Health, 133.03% Troop Health
Boots Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Materials Boosts
Buccaneer Boots 26 4.98M 2447 Crimson Gold 296.21% Artillery Health, 140.34% Distance Attack, 125.23% Troop Defense, 124.7% Distance Defense, 105.62% Troop Health
Headgear Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Materials Boosts
Buccaneer Helmet 26 4.98M 2447 Crimson Gold 155.87% Infantry Defense, 148.11% Cavalry Health, 148.1% Cavalry Defense, 93.92% Troop Attack, 66.51% Troop Health
Necklace Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Materials Boosts
Buccaneer Necklace 26 4.98M 2447 Crimson Gold 171.51% Distance Defense, 140.34% Distance Health, 140.34% Infantry Health, 86.01% Troop Defense, 74.31% Troop Attack
Ring Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Materials Boosts
Buccaneer Ring 26 4.98M 2447 Crimson Gold 296.21% Artillery Attack, 155.87% Cavalry Attack, 148.11% Cavalry Defense, 148.1% Artillery Defense, 136.93% Troop Attack
Weapon Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Materials Boosts
Buccaneer Pistol 26 4.98M 2447 Crimson Gold 296.21% Infantry Attack, 155.87% Distance Attack, 140.34% Cavalry Attack, 140.34% Infantry Defense, 93.92% Troop Defense

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