Name Pursuer
Primary Boost Troop Attack (click this link to see a complete overview of ways to increase this boost, including the best gear)
Description Also a large amount of other combat boosts, but no damage/damage reduction boosts and only set boost for complete set.
Remark This is one of the official Set Gear to which the Set Gear Bonuses are applicable.

Gear for Pursuer

Gear Type Gear Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Boosts Materials
Amulet Pursuer Necklace 26 24.92M 265.0% Artillery Health
265.0% Cavalry Health
265.0% Distance Health
265.0% Infantry Health
273.0% Troop Health
12236 Crimson Gold
Armor Pursuer Armor 26 24.92M 265.0% Artillery Health
265.0% Cavalry Health
265.0% Distance Health
265.0% Infantry Health
273.0% Troop Health
12236 Crimson Gold
Greaves Pursuer Boots 26 24.92M 238.5% Artillery Defense
238.5% Cavalry Defense
238.5% Distance Defense
238.5% Infantry Defense
246.0% Troop Defense
12236 Crimson Gold
Helmet Pursuer Hood 26 24.92M 291.5% Artillery Defense
291.5% Cavalry Defense
291.5% Distance Defense
291.5% Infantry Defense
300.5% Troop Defense
12236 Crimson Gold
Ring Pursuer Ring 26 24.92M 212.0% Artillery Attack
212.0% Cavalry Attack
212.0% Distance Attack
212.0% Infantry Attack
218.5% Troop Attack
12236 Crimson Gold
Weapon Pursuer Sword 26 24.92M 318.0% Artillery Attack
318.0% Cavalry Attack
318.0% Distance Attack
318.0% Infantry Attack
328.0% Troop Attack
12236 Crimson Gold
6 Piece Set Bonus 67.5% Army Damage
-67.5% Army Damage Received
40.5% Artillery Damage
-40.5% Artillery Damage Received
40.5% Cavalry Damage
-40.5% Cavalry Damage Received
40.5% Distance Damage
-40.5% Distance Damage Received
40.5% Infantry Damage
-40.5% Infantry Damage Received
Total 26 149.52M 546.5% Troop Defense
546.5% Troop Attack
546.0% Troop Health
530.0% Artillery Health
530.0% Cavalry Health
530.0% Distance Health
530.0% Infantry Health
530.0% Artillery Defense
530.0% Cavalry Defense
530.0% Distance Defense
530.0% Infantry Defense
530.0% Artillery Attack
530.0% Cavalry Attack
530.0% Distance Attack
530.0% Infantry Attack
67.5% Army Damage
40.5% Artillery Damage
40.5% Cavalry Damage
40.5% Distance Damage
40.5% Infantry Damage
-40.5% Artillery Damage Received
-40.5% Cavalry Damage Received
-40.5% Distance Damage Received
-40.5% Infantry Damage Received
-67.5% Army Damage Received
73416 Crimson Gold

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