Name Fortune
Primary Boost Resource Production (click this link to see a complete overview of ways to increase this boost, including the best gear)
Description Also a large amount of other economic boosts.
Remark This is one of the official Set Gear to which the Set Gear Bonuses are applicable.

Gear for Fortune

Gear Type Gear Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Boosts Materials
Armor Coat of Fortune (Golden) 21 151K 45.0% Food Gathering Speed
22.5% Gathering Speed
45.0% Iron Gathering Speed
45.0% Silver Gathering Speed
48.0% Troop Load Increase
45.0% Wood Gathering Speed
9600 Animal Hide
4800 Beast Fang
2 Viper Scale
1 Viper Fang
Boots Boots of Fortune (Golden) 21 101K 25.0% Beast March Speed
28.0% Construction Speed
28.0% Research Speed
-3.0% Trade Fee
50.0% Trading Capacity Increase
-8.0% Upkeep
4800 Animal Hide
4800 Ebony
1 Viper Fang
1 Green Crystal
Headgear Cap of Fortune (Golden) 21 101K 25.0% Beast March Speed
28.0% Construction Speed
28.0% Research Speed
-3.0% Trade Fee
50.0% Trading Capacity Increase
-8.0% Upkeep
7200 Beast Fang
2400 Ebony
1 Viper Fang
1 Viper Scale
Necklace Necklace of Fortune (Golden) 21 50K 15.0% Food Gathering Speed
7.5% Gathering Speed
15.0% Iron Gathering Speed
15.0% Silver Gathering Speed
16.0% Troop Load Increase
15.0% Wood Gathering Speed
4800 Coal
1 Meteorite
Ring Ring of Fortune (Golden) 21 50K 15.0% Food Production Increase
15.0% Iron Production Increase
7.5% Resource Production
15.0% Silver Production Increase
5.0% Storage Protection Increase
15.0% Wood Production Increase
2400 Coal
2400 Beast Fang
1 Green Crystal
Weapon Sword of Fortune (Golden) 21 151K 45.0% Food Production Increase
45.0% Iron Production Increase
22.5% Resource Production
45.0% Silver Production Increase
15.0% Storage Protection Increase
45.0% Wood Production Increase
7200 Coal
7200 Ebony
2 Meteorite
1 Green Crystal
2 Piece Set Bonus 15.0% Construction Speed
4 Piece Set Bonus 2.5% Construction Silver Requirement Decrease (Percentage)
6 Piece Set Bonus 30.0% Troop Training Speed
Total 21 604K 100.0% Trading Capacity Increase
71.0% Construction Speed
64.0% Troop Load Increase
60.0% Food Gathering Speed
60.0% Iron Gathering Speed
60.0% Silver Gathering Speed
60.0% Wood Gathering Speed
60.0% Food Production Increase
60.0% Iron Production Increase
60.0% Silver Production Increase
60.0% Wood Production Increase
56.0% Research Speed
50.0% Beast March Speed
30.0% Gathering Speed
30.0% Resource Production
30.0% Troop Training Speed
20.0% Storage Protection Increase
2.5% Construction Silver Requirement Decrease (Percentage)
-6.0% Trade Fee
-16.0% Upkeep
14400 Coal
14400 Beast Fang
14400 Animal Hide
14400 Ebony
3 Green Crystal
3 Meteorite
3 Viper Fang
3 Viper Scale

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