All information relating to the boost type Food Gathering Speed in Guns of Glory including what research projects increase Food Gathering Speed and what the best gear is for Food Gathering Speed.
Name Food Gathering Speed
Type Percentage
Category Max Boost
Research Projects 80.0%
Lord Talent Trees 45.0%
Best Gear Set 66.0%
All Airship Abilities 64.0%
All Guards (Military Advisor) 36.0%
Total 291.0%

Research Projects Giving Food Gathering Speed Boost

Research Project Research Category Total Boost
Food Gathering I Economy 10.0%
Food Gathering II Economy 10.0%
Food Gathering III Economy 20.0%
Food Gathering IV Economy 40.0%

Lord Skills Giving Food Gathering Speed Boost

Gear Sets Giving Food Gathering Speed Boost (all gear, resonance and enhancement boosts)

Gear Set Total Boost
Honor 66.0%
Best Free Economy Gear Set 60.0%
Fortune 60.0%

See Gear Sets for a chronological list of all gear sets introduced in Guns of Glory

Note: Use our Gear Set Comparison Tool to make a comparison between any two gear sets.

All Gear Giving Food Gathering Speed Boost (basic boosts without enhancement)

Armor Boost Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Materials
Honor Coat (Golden) 49.5% 21 151K 9600 Animal Hide, 4800 Beast Fang, 2 Viper Scale, 1 Viper Fang
Royal Coat (White) 45.0% 21 151K 600 Animal Hide, 300 Beast Fang, 9 Benitoite
Royal Coat (Blue) 45.0% 21 151K 1800 Animal Hide, 900 Beast Fang, 36 Benitoite, 1 Snakewood
Royal Coat (Green) 45.0% 21 151K 1200 Animal Hide, 600 Beast Fang, 18 Benitoite, 1 Cedar
Coat of Fortune (Golden) 45.0% 21 151K 9600 Animal Hide, 4800 Beast Fang, 2 Viper Scale, 1 Viper Fang
Royal Coat (Orange) 45.0% 21 151K 7200 Animal Hide, 3600 Beast Fang, 144 Benitoite, 1 Red Diamond
Royal Coat (Purple) 45.0% 21 151K 3600 Animal Hide, 1800 Beast Fang, 72 Benitoite, 1 Talon
Noble Coat (White) 36.0% 16 31K 240 Animal Hide, 120 Beast Fang, 6 Beast Blood
Noble Coat (Green) 36.0% 16 31K 480 Animal Hide, 240 Beast Fang, 12 Beast Blood, 1 Cedar
Noble Coat (Blue) 36.0% 16 31K 720 Animal Hide, 360 Beast Fang, 24 Beast Blood, 1 Snakewood
Noble Coat (Purple) 36.0% 16 31K 1440 Animal Hide, 720 Beast Fang, 48 Beast Blood, 1 Talon
Profiteer Coat (White) 27.0% 11 11K 96 Animal Hide, 48 Beast Fang, 3 Sandalwood
Profiteer Coat (Green) 27.0% 11 11K 192 Animal Hide, 96 Beast Fang, 6 Sandalwood, 1 Cedar
Profiteer Coat (Blue) 27.0% 11 11K 288 Animal Hide, 144 Beast Fang, 12 Sandalwood, 1 Snakewood
Basic Coat (White) 18.0% 6 3.3K 36 Animal Hide, 18 Beast Fang, 3 Ebony
Basic Coat (Green) 18.0% 6 3.3K 72 Animal Hide, 36 Beast Fang, 6 Bone, 1 Cedar
Cloth Shirt (White) 9.0% 1 600.0 12 Animal Hide, 6 Beast Fang
Necklace Boost Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Materials
Honor Amulet (Golden) 16.5% 21 50K 4800 Coal, 1 Meteorite, 0 Animal Hide, 0 Viper Scale
Jewels of Bounty (White) 15.0% 21 50K 300 Coal, 3 Benitoite
Necklace of Fortune (Golden) 15.0% 21 50K 4800 Coal, 1 Meteorite
Jewels of Bounty (Orange) 15.0% 21 50K 3600 Coal, 48 Benitoite, 1 Red Diamond
Jewels of Bounty (Green) 15.0% 21 50K 600 Coal, 6 Benitoite, 1 Cedar
Jewels of Bounty (Purple) 15.0% 21 50K 1800 Coal, 24 Benitoite, 1 Talon
Jewels of Bounty (Blue) 15.0% 21 50K 900 Coal, 12 Benitoite, 1 Snakewood
Chain of Success (White) 12.0% 16 10K 120 Coal, 2 Beast Blood
Chain of Success (Green) 12.0% 16 10K 240 Coal, 4 Beast Blood, 1 Cedar
Chain of Success (Blue) 12.0% 16 10K 360 Coal, 8 Beast Blood, 1 Snakewood
Chain of Success (Purple) 12.0% 16 10K 720 Coal, 16 Beast Blood, 1 Talon
Amulet of Progress (Blue) 9.0% 11 3.5K 144 Coal, 4 Sandalwood, 1 Snakewood
Amulet of Progress (Green) 9.0% 11 3.5K 96 Coal, 2 Sandalwood, 1 Cedar
Amulet of Progress (White) 9.0% 11 3.5K 48 Coal, 1 Sandalwood
Preservation Stone (Green) 6.0% 6 1.1K 36 Coal, 2 Bone, 1 Cedar
Amulet of Collection (White) 6.0% 6 1.1K 18 Coal, 1 Bone
Iron Chain (White) 3.0% 1 200.0 6 Coal

All Airship Abilities Giving Food Gathering Speed Boost

Airship Talent Boost
Farm Raider 64.0%

All Guards Giving Food Gathering Speed Boost

Guard Boost
Thomas Hobbes (Military Advisor) 36.0%
Madame Chevreuse (Military Advisor) 33.0%

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