All information about the building Hall of War in Clash of Queens including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.

The Hall of War serves as a gathering place for you and your allies. While there, you can unite together to form a powerful army and attack the enemy. Upgrade the Hall of War to increase the maximum number of raliied soldiers.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Rallied Troop Size Lord XP Power Description Action
1 Castle 7 315.0 Wood
1 War Horn
40 Citizen
00:00:28 +10,000 (inc)
+10,000 (cum)
14 4
2 Embassy 2 441.0 Wood
2 War Horn
40 Citizen
00:01:30 +10,000 (inc)
+20,000 (cum)
23 8
3 Embassy 3 617.0 Wood
7 War Horn
40 Citizen
00:05:00 +10,000 (inc)
+30,000 (cum)
42 14
4 Embassy 4 926.0 Wood
16 War Horn
40 Citizen
00:10:53 +10,000 (inc)
+40,000 (cum)
81 24
5 Embassy 5 1.5K Wood
29 War Horn
40 Citizen
00:21:46 +10,000 (inc)
+50,000 (cum)
163 45
6 Embassy 6 2.7K Wood
46 War Horn
40 Citizen
00:39:11 +10,000 (inc)
+60,000 (cum)
7 Embassy 7 5.1K Wood
67 War Horn
40 Citizen
01:02:42 +20,000 (inc)
+80,000 (cum)
8 Embassy 8 10K Wood
92 War Horn
45 Citizen
01:27:47 +20,000 (inc)
+100,000 (cum)
9 Embassy 9 20K Wood
121 War Horn
50 Citizen
01:45:21 +20,000 (inc)
+120,000 (cum)
790 185
10 Embassy 10 41K Wood
155 War Horn
55 Citizen
02:06:25 +20,000 (inc)
+140,000 (cum)
948 219
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Rallied Troop Size Lord XP Power Description Action
11 Embassy 11 44K Wood
6.1K Iron
194 War Horn
60 Citizen
02:31:43 +20,000 (inc)
+160,000 (cum)
1,137 257
12 Embassy 12 89K Wood
12K Iron
238 War Horn
70 Citizen
03:09:38 +30,000 (inc)
+190,000 (cum)
13 Embassy 13 168K Wood
23K Iron
287 War Horn
75 Citizen
03:57:02 +30,000 (inc)
+220,000 (cum)
1,777 385
14 Embassy 14 303K Wood
42K Iron
341 War Horn
80 Citizen
04:56:18 +30,000 (inc)
+250,000 (cum)
15 Embassy 15 454K Wood
63K Iron
400 War Horn
85 Citizen
06:10:24 +30,000 (inc)
+280,000 (cum)
16 Embassy 16 499K Wood
69K Iron
10K Crystal
464 War Horn
90 Citizen
07:42:59 +30,000 (inc)
+310,000 (cum)
3,472 702
17 Embassy 17 699K Wood
97K Iron
15K Crystal
533 War Horn
100 Citizen
09:38:45 +40,000 (inc)
+350,000 (cum)
18 Embassy 18 908K Wood
126K Iron
19K Crystal
607 War Horn
105 Citizen
12:03:25 +40,000 (inc)
+390,000 (cum)
19 +40,000 (inc)
+430,000 (cum)
1,280 Register to Supply Data
20 +40,000 (inc)
+470,000 (cum)
1,563 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Rallied Troop Size Lord XP Power Description Action
21 +40,000 (inc)
+510,000 (cum)
1,774 Register to Supply Data
22 +40,000 (inc)
+550,000 (cum)
2,011 Register to Supply Data
23 +40,000 (inc)
+590,000 (cum)
2,280 Register to Supply Data
24 +40,000 (inc)
+630,000 (cum)
2,587 Register to Supply Data
25 +50,000 (inc)
+680,000 (cum)
2,932 Register to Supply Data
26 +50,000 (inc)
+730,000 (cum)
3,326 Register to Supply Data
27 +50,000 (inc)
+780,000 (cum)
3,771 Register to Supply Data
28 +50,000 (inc)
+830,000 (cum)
4,277 Register to Supply Data
29 +50,000 (inc)
+880,000 (cum)
4,849 Register to Supply Data
30 +120,000 (inc)
+1,000,000 (cum)
5,500 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Rallied Troop Size Lord XP Power Description Action
Total Castle 7
Embassy 18
3.25M Wood
439K Iron
44K Crystal
3,600 War Horn
105 Citizen
2d 09:51:17 +1,000,000 8,447 41,604

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