
Clash of Queens is a MMO strategy game taking place in a fantasy world with wizards and dragons. Although the focus of many things is to build a large army, and ultimately subdue enemy alliances with superior forces, there is a lot of focus on growing your own city with a very elaborate set of buildings with each their own function.


A new game starts with a tutorial. For first game players it is good to walk through this slowly as the game can get complicated because of its many different features. The tutorial does a reasonable job of explaining the absolute basics, but there is just too much functionality you should know to understand this game. This guide should help further.


An important step is to find a suitable Alliance. Via the Alliance menu you can apply to join an alliance or join one of the alliances that are currently open. As with other games with alliances it is important to find a likeminded group of people. Try some others if you don't like your first. Make sure you have an active group of people. Not only the number of members are important, but also how many actually log in, which you can see in the Alliance wage menu. Give an alliance a serious chance, but if you don't like it, do switch to another one. Find one you feel comfortable with. If you are intending to play for a long time, the social aspect is important for many people as well.

Newbie Teleport

After the first Castle upgrade you receive two Newbie Teleports that you can use before your Castle reaches lvl 6. You can teleport to another kingdom with a Newbie Teleport.

Alliance Teleport

When you join an alliance for the first time you get a free alliance teleport. You can use this to teleport close to your alliance, but be careful about using it. The game can suggest you to move to a location, which automatically happens if you accept, but this might not be the location your alliance wants to settle down, just where your leader happens to be at that time. Ask about it in the alliance chat first. Also only use it you are quite certain you are in the alliance to stay. You can also acquire an advanced teleport from the Store or the Alliance Store to teleport later, but this is costly, and both gold and Alliance Honor (the credits used to purchase items from the Alliance Store) are hard to come by.


One of the buildings in your base, inside the city walls, is your College. This will be available once you upgraded your Castle to lvl 3. Once you have it, you should basically try to make sure you always have some research project active and you should make your research speed as fast as possible. Unless you are planning to go to war right away, the City Development research category might be good to start, it has Civil Engineering projects that increase your build speed. The Military research category has several Legion projects that increase the number of marches, which is also nice as it allows you to for example do resource gathering and slaying monsters at the same time. It also has several Recruitment projects that make the troop training faster.

Training Troops

There are 5 buildings relevant for training troops. Barracks, Stable, Range and Mage Academy are the building where you can specify how many troops you want to train. Each is associated with a troop type, Infantry, Cavalry, Archer and Wizard; upgrading these buildings unlocks better troops. The Military Tents influence how many troops you can train in each building at one time. You can have two Military Tents.

Upgrading Buildings

The game suggests some order of building and upgrading buildings, you don't need to pay attention to that. There are some things to consider. In this game it is possible to upgrade multiple buildings at the same time, it is not limited to one upgrade, instead it is restricted by Citizens. Each building upgrade requires a certain amount of Citizens and the Dwelling building provides Citizens. This is a good reason to update this building as soon as possible after you upgrade your Castle. Another building to upgrade as fast as possible is the Embassy, it increases the number of Alliance Helps you can receive and the time each Helps deducts from your timers. After having upgraded these two I typically look at upgrading buildings that are requirements for others and the next Castle upgrade first to make sure I do not get stuck. Try to make sure you are always upgrading as many buildings as possible and have a long upgrade started when you log off for the night. After you start an upgrade do not forget to click the item above the building to request for Alliance Helps.


The Walls can contain traps That are build with the Fortress building. Upgrading the Fortress unlocks more Traps. Traps can play an important role in defending your city.

Helping Alliance Members with Research and Construction

You and your alliance members can help each other with research and building upgrades. Before you have build your Embassy you need to go to the Alliance menu to Help, once you have the Embassy there will be a shortcut icon on the Embassy to Help All. The number of Helps you can receive is determined by the Embassy level. Initially you can receive two Helps and it is increased by 1 by every level of your Embassy. The initial time that is deducted with each help is 30 seconds and this is increased by 3 seconds from level 2 of the Embassy onwards. This is a fixed amount, so they are not a huge help like in some other games where the alliance Helps take off a relative amount of the remaining timer.

Inviting Friends to Give Extra Boosts

In this game you can make a friendship with other players, not necessarily from your own alliance. This can be done by going to their Lord Details (for example via clicking on their castle on the map, or via the Alliamce Member list), and clicking the Add button. If they accept your friendship they will be listed in the pull out window which can be accessed by clicking the small left arrow at the right middle of your screen. There are a number of buildings to which you can assign someone from your friends (each friend can only be assigned to one building) that give you a boost. These buildings are the Walls, Barracks, Stables, Ranges and Drill Grounds. The boosts are different for each building, for the Barracks, Stables and Ranges the boosts are related to the corresponding troop type. For the Walls it is related to Defender boosts and Healing Speed. The Drilling Grounds can give a Building Speed, Research Speed and Trap Building Speed boost. I suggest to use your highest level friend for the Drilling Grounds. Once you assign someone to a building they will stay there for 8 hours.

Another benefit of having many high level friends is by visiting them you have a chance of increasing your troops. I assume this is determined by the level of their barracks etc, not completely sure, but for higher level friends you have a chance at higher tier troops. This explains what you might have noticed, that some players have small amount of higher troops than they can train themselves, they get them via their friend visits. So each day, visit all your friends, not just the minimum of four that the Daily Quests require. If you have many friends, you should always get some. You can easily see the effect by looking at your power before and after your friend visits.

Using Gold and Speed Ups

During the game there are various ways to get gold and speed ups, but they are not that easy to come by. Once your timers start to be more than just a few minutes you might get tempted to use these to speed up research, construction and troop training. My general advice is don't just use these, only use them if you can get something back by winning prizes in the active Events. Saving up some gold and speed ups is important so that it will be easier to win the prizes of those Events.


Although the power of a player has no direct meaning for your strength in combat, it is often used by players as a quick measurement of strength anyway. Typically alliances will set certain power requirements for their players which increase over time. As such it is important you get your power up as well. There are five basic categories of power, research, building, trap, troop and lord. It is an extra reason to always have active research projects, building upgrades and troop training. Your lord power increases by leveling up your lord, and to do that you require experience points (XP). You get these for a lot of things, but one thing not to forget is to select and assign an explorer from the Guild of Explorers building that is giving a lot of experience points. Also pay attention to completing the daily quests.

Lord Skill Points

After each level up of your lord you can assign lord skill points. There are three different categories in the lord skill point section. My suggestion is to focus on the Development section first. There are possibilities to increase the building and research speed in this section. It is possible to reset the skills later by paying the required 100 gold or using a Lord Skill reset from the Alliance Store, so you can focus more on the COmbat tree before you start to battle.

Recruit and Train Heroes

In the Temple building you can recruit and train Heroes. Make sure you recruit one for free every day, and each time you can train three heroes.


There are plenty of Monsters around on the map of different levels. You can initially only kill the level 1, but once you have killed a level 1 you are allowed to attack a level 2, once you killed a level 2 you are allowed to attack a level 3 and so on. You need to have a stronger army to kill higher level monsters. Killing monsters is part of your Daily quests and gives you some XP and goodies as well.


You can win prizes by completing various stages of Events. You can find these events via the icon in your base view at the middle right side (the middle one with Event below it, the one above and below or for buying packs). There are various events, but so far most interesting seems the Daily event, which has requirements like increasing building and research power or gathering resources. A nice way to win some gold, speed ups and other goodies.

Alliance Science and Donations

The leaders (Rank 4 and 5) of an Alliance can do research that benefit the alliance in Alliance Science and Donations. Any member can (and should) help by donating the requirements. This can be done by going to one of the projects for which the requirements are not filled yet. Here you can click any of the active buttons. The buttons list inside what it will cost you to donate, and below you see what you get. The cost can be for example a resource or gold. What you get in return is with the purple bottles you help fill the requirements for the research project, and the shield represents Alliance Honour and Alliance Points. Alliance Honour can be used to purchase items in the Alliance Store. Alliance Points are automatically donated to the Alliance and are used by the leaders to restock the Alliance Store.

With each Donation you make a cool down timer is increased with 12 minutes. Once you reach 4 hours you can no longer donate until the timer reaches 0. In my experience it is best to stay just below 4 hours, which allows you to Donate again for example if you check back after 3 hours. This is more convenient as you might not always be back in exactly 4 hours, which causes you to unnecessarily miss out on Donations.

There are different buttons, a typical example is a brown button with 3000 Food that donates 40 of the science resource and gets you 200 Alliance Honour. So now and then one of the buttons turns green and this is more interesting. In this case you normally donate a lot more of the science resource and also get a lot more Alliance Honour. There are green buttons that cost you a simple resource, but also ones that cost gold. Although my initial thought was to not spend gold, the fact is that both Alliance Honour and Gold are currencies in the game, and upon investigation the right bottom button, costing 20 gold to get 5000 Alliance Honour, is a good deal. This means you get 250 Alliance Honour for each gold spent, while if you do a price comparison of items in the different stores (see the Item and Price Comparison overview in our Data menu), you will see that 1 gold is worth 200 Alliance Honour, so by donating you actually make a profit. The left bottom button requires you to pay 10 gold for 1000 Alliance Honour, so 100 Alliance Honour per gold, this is not a good deal for you as a player, but some might still decide to donate because it helps the alliance.

Daily Quests and Target Tasks

Each Day there are a number of quests that you can complete for resources, speed ups, materials, and gold. Most of them are fairly easy and self explanatory. I will write a separate guide with some tips how to do each of them, but if you have problems for now, just ask your alliance members. In the Taret Tasks collect the completed ones and do not forget to also collect the gift chest at the top middle if you have accomplished another milestone of missions.

Dragon Treasures

Three times a day the Dragon Treasure tiles will be refreshed. Try to get an advanced one as early as possible. Just sending one troop to them will still gather get resources and goodies for the full duration.

Gather Resources

Gathering resources is very important. Make sure before you log off to send out your troops to gather. In case you are going to be away for more than a few hours, send them to a longer march to lvl 7 tiles if possible.

Check List of What to Do When You Log In

Most of the things in this section we already mentioned, but it might be good to have a reminder of what you should look at as a minimum when you log into the game:

  • Click on the Embassy Help icon to Help all alliance members with research and construction
  • Collect the small goodie at the bottom left side of your city view if the timer has run out
  • Collect completed Daily Quests and do the necessary activities to complete as many as possible
  • Make sure you have Friends assigned to Wall, Barracks, Stables, Range and Drill Ground buildings to get extra boosts
  • Kill a few monsters
  • Recruit and Train Heroes
  • Look at the Events, see whether you can win gold and speed ups by completing your current research, building and/or troop training, make sure you do the activity required for the event
  • Start a research if none is active
  • Start as many building upgrades as possible if you have citizens available
  • Start a troop training for each type of troops if none is active
  • Start a trap building if none is active
  • In the Alliance wage view claim all chests
  • In the Alliance Science and Donation select a project and donate to get your Alliance Honour
  • In the Guild of Explorers building select an Explorer to help you, preferably one giving a lot of XP
  • Use the Free tomb raider turn in the Dungeon
  • Claim any unclaimed VIP Gift
  • Claim any completed Target Tasks from the Quests menu and do not forget to claim the gift when your reached a milestone number of target tasks
  • Visit all your friends to have a chance at getting free troops
  • Use your Free Wishes in the Altar
  • Find a high level Dragon Treasure to get resources and goodies
  • Send your troops out to gather resources
  • Read your e-mails and PMs (note that e-mails from the game might have items for you, you need to click Collect in the e-mail before it moves to your items)

If you have more time consider:

  • Working more towards completing your Daily Quests
  • Working more towards winning the Daily Event
  • Check out your Lord Achievements and see if you can claim any milestones
  • Discuss with your alliance members whether there is some nice targets to attack
  • There is actually plenty more to do, but I wanted to keep the Beginner's Guide limited, just explore the map and your city and have fun!


I hope this helps you getting started. If you have questions, or if you have other suggestions for beginners, please share in the comment section.

Contributed by: on July 3, 2016

(last modified on October 6, 2016)

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