For Clash of Queens we have 0 videos 17 guides, 18 data overviews and 2 tools.
We have replaced our Disqus comment system by HashOver. This allowed me to removed some ads, it is no longer required to make a separate account, which makes leaving comments very low effort. It does mean all the old comments have disappeared, unfortunately.
The invite link I placed on the website for the discord server (for easier communication about games features on my website and youtube channel) I started recently expired, I have now added a new permanent invite link:
I just added a discord server for easier communication about games features on my website and youtube channel:
We added the possibility for everyone (as long as you register) to add training time and resource requirements for troops. As soon as this data as added the troops will automatically become available in the Troop Training Calculator tool.
We just implemented a change making sure registered users will be confronted with less ads, which should make the experience on better. It is free to register and registration will make using our game tools easier as well.
We have added a possibility to add data for building levels and research project levels for any registered user of the website. This data is typically difficult for us to provide complete ourselves, because it requires to develop a game account to the maximum to learn all data, still it is very valuable for gamers to know ahead what certain requirements are. We appreciate any help with filling in the missing building level and research project level information. We are working on extending the interface to also allow adding data in other categories, feel free to let us know if you have specific data you would like to add.
When I start covering a game on this website I never know how it is going to go. Clash of Queens has been an interesting experience, but with the way things are currently going I doubt they will attract a larger audience and I feel our time is better spent on other games. I am not closing the door completely, I probably check in few times to see whether things have improved, but with the current status I feel there are just too many bugs (and some of them very serious, like not receiving the millions of resources you have worked for). These type of bugs are annoying enough, but on top of that I have been getting zero support when reporting such issues over the past weeks.
I am not attempting to discourage anyone from playing this game, and if you want to share other experiences please feel free to leave a comment. I am merely trying to give an explanation why we suspended the coverage of Clash of Queens for those players that come to our website to find information about the game.
The information we had collected so far will remain on the website, but as things are looking now we will not extend it further.
Explanation of Honor Points, hoow to acquire them and how they can be used.
This guide offers a strategy to grow from level 16 to level 20.
This guide explains the benefits and costs of the new War Technology Research category.
We added a guide to explain the Heroes that were recently introduced.
Small but important update, just learned some new information regarding visiting friends in the game. This is important to do to all friends every day to have a chance at receiving some free troops. If you have high level friends, this can result in higher tier troops than you can train yourself.
Another small update. I thought I had figured it all out yesterday, but there is a bit more info that is worth sharing with respect to disassembling equipment and working your way up to higher levels.
The way equipment is forged in Clash of Queens has changed drastically. We have updated (meaning totally rewritten) our guide to reflect these changes.
By: GamesGuide on August 10, 2016
We have added a guide with basic information about rallies.
Too many ads? Register and most will be removed.
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