All information about the building Range in Clash of Queens including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.

The Range is where archer troops are trained. Upgrade the Range to train more units.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Reward Lord XP Power Description Action
1 Castle 3 589.0 Wood
337.0 Food
20 Citizen
00:01:38 Unlocks Huntingbow Archer 60 12
2 Castle 3 825.0 Wood
472.0 Food
20 Citizen
00:04:58 103 19
3 Castle 3 1.2K Wood
660.0 Food
20 Citizen
00:12:04 185 33
4 Castle 4 1.7K Wood
990.0 Food
30 Citizen
00:22:56 Unlocks Shortbow Archer 352 59
5 Castle 5 2.8K Wood
1.6K Food
40 Citizen
00:59:55 111
6 Castle 6 5.0K Wood
2.9K Food
50 Citizen
02:20:11 187
7 Castle 7 9.5K Wood
5.4K Food
60 Citizen
04:37:20 Unlocks Light Crossbowmen 286
8 Castle 8 19K Wood
11K Food
70 Citizen
06:28:19 2,842 387
9 Castle 9 38K Wood
22K Food
80 Citizen
07:45:58 456
10 Castle 10 76K Wood
43K Food
90 Citizen
09:19:10 Unlocks Heavy Crossbowmen 4,093 537
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Reward Lord XP Power Description Action
11 Castle 11 152K Wood
87K Food
15K Iron
100 Citizen
11:10:58 4,911 632
12 Castle 12 303K Wood
173K Food
29K Iron
110 Citizen
13:58:43 6,139 773
13 Castle 13 577K Wood
329K Food
55K Iron
120 Citizen
17:28:24 Unlocks Longbow Archer 7,674 945
14 Castle 14 1.04M Wood
593K Food
99K Iron
130 Citizen
21:50:31 9,593 1,155
15 Castle 15 1.56M Wood
890K Food
148K Iron
140 Citizen
1d 03:18:08 1,410
16 Castle 16 2.18M Wood
1.25M Food
208K Iron
52K Crystal
150 Citizen
1d 10:07:40 Unlocks Sniper Archer 1,724
17 Castle 17 3.05M Wood
1.74M Food
291K Iron
73K Crystal
160 Citizen
1d 18:39:34 2,107
18 2,574 Register to Supply Data
19 Unlocks Pavise Crossbowmen 3,146 Register to Supply Data
20 3,844 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Reward Lord XP Power Description Action
21 4,359 Register to Supply Data
22 Unlocks Eagle Archer 4,944 Register to Supply Data
23 5,606 Register to Supply Data
24 6,357 Register to Supply Data
25 7,208 Register to Supply Data
26 Unlocks Catapult Crossbowmen 8,175 Register to Supply Data
27 9,271 Register to Supply Data
28 10,512 Register to Supply Data
29 11,921 Register to Supply Data
30 Unlocks Elf Archer 13,519 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Reward Lord XP Power Description Action
Total Castle 17 9.02M Wood
5.15M Food
844K Iron
125K Crystal
160 Citizen
8d 08:46:27 Unlocks Huntingbow Archer
Unlocks Shortbow Archer
Unlocks Light Crossbowmen
Unlocks Heavy Crossbowmen
Unlocks Longbow Archer
Unlocks Sniper Archer
Unlocks Pavise Crossbowmen
Unlocks Eagle Archer
Unlocks Catapult Crossbowmen
Unlocks Elf Archer
35,952 102,269

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