All information about the research project Troop Defense III in Mobile Strike including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Troop Defense Bonus
Advanced Troop Defense
Commander XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 Research Facility 2
Troop Health II 3
1.02M Stone
762K Oil
819K Iron
852K Food
1.02M Coin
33.0 Research File
53d 03:20:00 0.5% (inc)
0.5% (cum)
10.0K 191,300 3.6
2 Research Facility 4 1.67M Stone
1.29M Oil
1.39M Iron
1.45M Food
1.67M Coin
102d 17:01:00 0.5% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
369,760 3.6
3 Research Facility 6 3.78M Stone
2.92M Oil
3.14M Iron
3.28M Food
3.78M Coin
215d 21:09:00 0.5% (inc)
1.5% (cum)
777,180 3.6
4 Research Facility 8 6.46M Stone
5.00M Oil
5.37M Iron
5.60M Food
6.46M Coin
340d 18:18:00 0.5% (inc)
2.0% (cum)
1,226,750 3.6
5 Research Facility 10
Troop Health II 5
11.88M Stone
9.19M Oil
9.88M Iron
20.61M Food
11.88M Coin
574d 13:45:00 1.0% (inc)
3.0% (cum)
2,068,470 3.6
6 Research Facility 12 22.92M Stone
17.72M Oil
19.05M Iron
39.74M Food
22.92M Coin
1007d 10:03:00 1.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
3,626,710 3.6
7 Research Facility 14 52.45M Stone
40.56M Oil
43.61M Iron
90.96M Food
52.45M Coin
3459d 09:35:00 2.0% (inc)
6.0% (cum)
12,453,840 3.6
8 Research Facility 16
Troop Health II 8
167.59M Stone
247.46M Oil
266.02M Iron
166.45M Food
167.59M Coin
7328d 00:55:20 3.0% (inc)
9.0% (cum)
26,380,940 3.6
9 Research Facility 18 386.66M Stone
336.38M Oil
361.61M Iron
226.27M Food
386.66M Coin
7849d 02:26:40 6.0% (inc)
15.0% (cum)
28,256,770 3.6
10 Research Facility 21
Troop Health II 10
577.98M Stone
499.33M Oil
536.78M Iron
688.98M Food
577.98M Coin
10628d 18:51:00 15.0% (inc)
30.0% (cum)
38,263,630 3.6
11 Register to Supply Data
12 Register to Supply Data
13 Register to Supply Data
14 Register to Supply Data
15 Register to Supply Data
16 Register to Supply Data
17 Register to Supply Data
18 Register to Supply Data
19 Register to Supply Data
20 Register to Supply Data
Total Research Facility 21
Troop Health II 10
1.23B Stone
1.16B Oil
1.25B Iron
1.24B Food
1.23B Coin
33.0 Research File
31559d 19:23:60 30.0% 10.0K 113,615,350 3.6

Currently we do not have complete information on this research category yet, if you have missing information, please let us know via the User Comments or send us an e-mail to the address in the footer of this page. Please make sure to provide the original time and undiscounted resource requirements and do not forget the university/academy level required and the Power increase.

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