Research Projects

An overview of all research projects available in the Battle Tactics Research Tree in Mobile Strike including resource requirements, prerequisite research projects and buildings, time, hero xp, power, boost, and unlocked troops, traps and special skills.

Gathering Deployment Speed

Max Lv. 10 Gathering Deployment Speed 40.0%

Commander Deployment Speed

Max Lv. 10 Commander Deployment Speed Bonus 40.0%

Gathering III

Max Lv. 10 Gathering Speed 40.0%

Embassy Capacity Increase

Max Lv. 10 Embassy Troop Capacity Increase +500,000

Commander Preset

Max Lv. 2 Commander Preset Slot +2

Trade Deployment Speed

Max Lv. 10 Trade Deployment Speed 40.0%

Resource Help Tax Decrease

Max Lv. 10 Resource Tax Decrease 2.0%

Resource Help Capacity Increase

Max Lv. 10 Resource Help Capacity +3,000,000

Attack Deployment Speed Increase

Max Lv. 10 Attack Deployment Speed 20.0%

Deployment Slot II

Max Lv. 2 Deployment Slots +2

Rally Time Reduction

Max Lv. 1 Rally Time Reduction 20.0%

Troop Defense III

Max Lv. 10 Troop Defense Bonus 30.0%
Advanced Troop Defense Bonus 30.0%

Troop Health II

Max Lv. 10 Troop Health Bonus 30.0%
Advanced Troop Health Bonus 30.0%

Troop Attack III

Max Lv. 10 Troop Attack Bonus 30.0%
Advanced Troop Attack Bonus 30.0%

Deployment Speed II

Max Lv. 10 Deployment Speed 40.0%

War Zone Deployment Speed

Max Lv. 10 War Zone Deployment Speed 40.0%

Commander Preset II

Max Lv. 2 Commander Preset Slot +2

Rally Reinforcement Speed Increase

Max Lv. 10 Rally Reinforcement Speed 20.0%

Rally Deployment Speed Increase

Max Lv. 10 Rally Deployment Speed 20.0%

Rally Attack Bonus

Max Lv. 10 Rally Attack Bonus 10.0%

Rally Time Reduction II

Max Lv. 1 Rally Time Reduction 20.0%

Defense Bonus for all Infantry Troops III

Max Lv. 10 Infantry Defense 300.0%
Advanced Infantry Defense 300.0%
Mercenary Infantry Defense 300.0%

Defense Bonus for all Tactical Troops III

Max Lv. 10 Tactical Defense 300.0%
Advanced Tactical Defense 300.0%
Mercenary Tactical Defense 300.0%

Defense Bonus for all Armored Vehicle Troops III

Max Lv. 10 Armored Vehicle Defense 300.0%
Advanced Armored Vehicle Defense 300.0%
Mercenary Armored Vehicle Defense 300.0%

Wall Trap Attack II

Max Lv. 10 Trap Attack 200.0%
Advanced Trap Attack 200.0%

Wall Trap Defense II

Max Lv. 10 Trap Defense 200.0%
Advanced Trap Defense 200.0%

Wall Trap Capacity II

Max Lv. 10 Trap Capacity +275,000

Gathering Deployment Speed II

Max Lv. 1 Gathering Deployment Speed 20.0%

Resource Gathering Deployment Capacity I

Max Lv. 10 Gathering Deployment Capacity +50,000

Trade Deployment Speed II

Max Lv. 1 Trade Deployment Speed 20.0%

Embassy Capacity Increase II

Max Lv. 10 Embassy Troop Capacity Increase +500,000

Embassy Defense Bonus II

Max Lv. 10 Embassy Defense Bonus 25.0%

Gathering V

Max Lv. 10 Gathering Speed 100.0%

Troop Load III

Max Lv. 10 Troop Load 100.0%

Resource Hep Capacity Increase II

Max Lv. 10 Resource Help Capacity +12,000,000

Health Bonus for all Infantry Troops III

Max Lv. 10 Infantry Health 300.0%
Advanced Infantry Health 300.0%
Mercenary Infantry Health 300.0%

Health Bonus for all Tactical Troops III

Max Lv. 10 Tactical Health 300.0%
Advanced Tactical Health 300.0%
Mercenary Tactical Health 300.0%

Health Bonus for all Armored Vehicle Troops III

Max Lv. 10 Armored Vehicle Health 300.0%
Advanced Armored Vehicle Health 300.0%
Mercenary Armored Vehicle Health 300.0%

Attack Deployment Speed Increase II

Max Lv. 1 Attack Deployment Speed 20.0%

Death Row Elimination Duration I

Max Lv. 10 Death Row Boost Duration +86,400

Commander Deployment Speed II

Max Lv. 1 Commander Deployment Speed Bonus 20.0%

Hospital Capacity II

Max Lv. 10 Hospital Capacity Increase 250.0%

Troop Queue I

Max Lv. 10 Troop Queue Bonus 500.0%

Radar Station Attack Penalty II

Max Lv. 10 Radar Station Attack Penalty 25.0%

Attack Deployment Capacity Increase I

Max Lv. 10 Attack Deployment Capacity +50,000

Rally Reinforcement Speed Increase II

Max Lv. 1 Rally Reinforcement Speed 20.0%

Rally Capacity Increase I

Max Lv. 10 Rally Capacity +200,000

Rally Time Reduction IV

Max Lv. 1 Rally Time Reduction 20.0%

Attack Bonus for all Infantry Troops III

Max Lv. 10 Infantry Attack 200.0%
Advanced Infantry Attack 200.0%
Mercenary Infantry Attack 200.0%

Attack Bonus for all Tactical Troops III

Max Lv. 10 Tactical Attack 200.0%
Advanced Tactical Attack 200.0%
Mercenary Tactical Attack 200.0%

Attack Bonus for all Armored Vehicle Troops III

Max Lv. 10 Armored Vehicle Attack 200.0%
Advanced Armored Vehicle Attack 200.0%
Mercenary Armored Vehicle Attack 200.0%

War Zone Deployment Speed II

Max Lv. 1 War Zone Deployment Speed 20.0%

Control Point Rally Capacity Increase I

Max Lv. 10 Control Point Rally Capacity +200,000

Rally Deployment Speed II

Max Lv. 1 Rally Deployment Speed 20.0%

Troop Defense with Commander I

Max Lv. 10 Troop Defense Bonus (with Commander) 400.0%

Troop Health with Commander I

Max Lv. 10 Troop Health Bonus (with Commander) 400.0%

Troop Attack with Commander I

Max Lv. 10 Troop Attack Bonus (with Commander) 300.0%

Global Control Point Rally Capacity Increase I

Max Lv. 10 Global Control Point Rally Capacity +198,110

Currently we do not have complete information on this research category yet, if you have missing information, please let us know via the User Comments or send us an e-mail to the address in the footer of this page.

Total Cost

Note that below information is based on partial data.

Resources Original Time Hero XP Power kPower/
16.26B Stone
15.84B Oil
16.69B Iron
17.69B Food
16.41B Coin
1.3K Battle Tactics Restricted File
7.8K Research File
269813d 12:59:58 2.38M 1,082,721,270

Note: We do not yet have complete information for all research categories. Any missing information (resource requirements, original time, dependencies, power and XP) is much appreciated. You can register and add the information yourself, or leave a comment or send an e-mail.

Total Benefits

Boosts Special Skills Troops Traps
200.0% Advanced Armored Vehicle Attack
300.0% Advanced Armored Vehicle Defense
300.0% Advanced Armored Vehicle Health
200.0% Advanced Infantry Attack
300.0% Advanced Infantry Defense
300.0% Advanced Infantry Health
200.0% Advanced Tactical Attack
300.0% Advanced Tactical Defense
300.0% Advanced Tactical Health
200.0% Advanced Trap Attack
200.0% Advanced Trap Defense
30.0% Advanced Troop Attack Bonus
30.0% Advanced Troop Defense Bonus
30.0% Advanced Troop Health Bonus
200.0% Armored Vehicle Attack
300.0% Armored Vehicle Defense
300.0% Armored Vehicle Health
+50,000 Attack Deployment Capacity
40.0% Attack Deployment Speed
60.0% Commander Deployment Speed Bonus
+4 Commander Preset Slot
+200,000 Control Point Rally Capacity
+86,400 Death Row Boost Duration
+2 Deployment Slots
40.0% Deployment Speed
25.0% Embassy Defense Bonus
+1,000,000 Embassy Troop Capacity Increase
+50,000 Gathering Deployment Capacity
60.0% Gathering Deployment Speed
140.0% Gathering Speed
+198,110 Global Control Point Rally Capacity
250.0% Hospital Capacity Increase
200.0% Infantry Attack
300.0% Infantry Defense
300.0% Infantry Health
200.0% Mercenary Armored Vehicle Attack
300.0% Mercenary Armored Vehicle Defense
300.0% Mercenary Armored Vehicle Health
200.0% Mercenary Infantry Attack
300.0% Mercenary Infantry Defense
300.0% Mercenary Infantry Health
200.0% Mercenary Tactical Attack
300.0% Mercenary Tactical Defense
300.0% Mercenary Tactical Health
25.0% Radar Station Attack Penalty
10.0% Rally Attack Bonus
+200,000 Rally Capacity
40.0% Rally Deployment Speed
40.0% Rally Reinforcement Speed
60.0% Rally Time Reduction
+15,000,000 Resource Help Capacity
2.0% Resource Tax Decrease
200.0% Tactical Attack
300.0% Tactical Defense
300.0% Tactical Health
60.0% Trade Deployment Speed
200.0% Trap Attack
+275,000 Trap Capacity
200.0% Trap Defense
30.0% Troop Attack Bonus
300.0% Troop Attack Bonus (with Commander)
30.0% Troop Defense Bonus
400.0% Troop Defense Bonus (with Commander)
30.0% Troop Health Bonus
400.0% Troop Health Bonus (with Commander)
100.0% Troop Load
500.0% Troop Queue Bonus
60.0% War Zone Deployment Speed

Note: We do not yet have complete information for all research categories. Any missing information (resource requirements, original time, dependencies, power and XP) is much appreciated. You can register and add the information yourself, or leave a comment or send an e-mail.

User Comments

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