All information about the research project Commander Critical Hit I in Mobile Strike including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Commander Critical
Commander XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 Research Facility 1
Rebel Target Level 1
3.0K Stone
3.0K Iron
6.0K Food
7.5K Coin
00:30:00 0.5% (inc)
0.5% (cum)
6.4K 375 18.0
2 Research Facility 2 8.0K Stone
8.0K Iron
15K Food
17K Coin
03:00:00 0.75% (inc)
1.25% (cum)
8.0K 850 6.8
3 Research Facility 4 20K Stone
20K Iron
38K Food
39K Coin
15:00:00 1.0% (inc)
2.25% (cum)
11K 1,950 3.1
4 Research Facility 6 50K Stone
50K Iron
95K Food
90K Coin
1d 09:00:00 1.5% (inc)
3.75% (cum)
15K 4,500 3.3
5 Research Facility 8 130K Stone
130K Iron
240K Food
210K Coin
3d 00:36:00 2.0% (inc)
5.75% (cum)
21K 10,500 3.5
6 Research Facility 11 330K Stone
330K Iron
600K Food
480K Coin
6d 15:45:00 2.5% (inc)
8.25% (cum)
35K 24,000 3.6
7 Research Facility 13 830K Stone
830K Iron
1.50M Food
1.10M Coin
14d 15:30:00 3.3% (inc)
11.55% (cum)
50K 44,289 3.0
8 Research Facility 16 2.08M Stone
2.08M Iron
3.75M Food
2.53M Coin
32d 05:15:00 4.0% (inc)
15.55% (cum)
84K 97,429 3.0
9 Research Facility 19 5.20M Stone
5.20M Iron
9.40M Food
5.80M Coin
70d 21:15:00 5.0% (inc)
20.55% (cum)
145K 214,357 3.0
10 Research Facility 21
Commander Critical Hit II 9
13.00M Stone
13.00M Iron
23.50M Food
13.30M Coin
155d 22:45:00 7.0% (inc)
27.55% (cum)
240K 471,586 3.0
Total Research Facility 21
Commander Critical Hit II 9
Rebel Target Level 1
21.65M Stone
21.65M Iron
39.14M Food
23.57M Coin
285d 12:36:00 27.55% 615K 869,836 3.0

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