All information relating to the material Screwdriver in Mobile Strike including how it can be acquired, where it can be found (rebels, gifts, crates, resource tiles), and how it can be used.
Where to find Screwdriver
Tiles Abandoned Fort, Farm, Mine, Oil Well, Quarry
Crates Economy Material Crate
Mission Types Daily

We are still gathering information about where materials can be found. Any additional information is much appreciated and will be added to the website promptly. You can either send an e-mail to the address in the footer of this page or leave a comment.

All Gear Requiring Screwdriver

Accessories Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials Quality Level 6 Boosts
Workman's Toolkit 1 10.0K 2 Army Camo Cloth, 1 Iron, 1 Screwdriver 01:00:00 Construction Time Reduction
Body Armor Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials Quality Level 6 Boosts
Workman's Shirt 10 20K 2 Screwdriver, 1 Army Camo Cloth, 1 Multi Tool 02:00:00 Construction Time Reduction
Footwear Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials Quality Level 6 Boosts
Workman's Boots 1 10.0K 2 Screwdriver, 1 Army Camo Cloth, 1 Iron 01:30:00 Construction Time Reduction
Helmets Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials Quality Level 6 Boosts
Workman's Helmet 1 10.0K 1 Army Camo Cloth, 1 Multi Tool, 1 Iron, 1 Screwdriver 01:30:00 Construction Time Reduction
Weapons Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials Quality Level 6 Boosts
Workman's Hammer 10 20K 2 Multi Tool, 1 Iron, 1 Screwdriver 02:00:00 Construction Time Reduction

All Boosts with Gear from Screwdriver

Boost Type Total Quality Level 6 Boosts Total Mats Required
Construction Time Reduction 08:00:00 7

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