All information about the building Hall of Heroes in Mobile Strike including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.

Hall of Heroes upgrade increase your Commander XP Boost, which is very important as it influences how fast your Commander levels up. In addition it also influences the Commander XP that is retained when you recruit a new commander, but this is less relevant as almost all players decide to revive their commander instead of recruiting a new one. The Hall of Heroes upgrades require a Bank upgrade. Level 21 gives extra Commander Skill Points.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Commander Skill
Commander XP ModifierCommander XP RetentionRebel Target Skill
Commander XP Power Description Action
1 Bank 3 200.0 Stone
100.0 Oil
100.0 Iron
300.0 Food
00:01:40 5.0% (inc)
5.0% (cum)
52.0% (inc)
52.0% (cum)
10 10
2 Bank 3 360.0 Stone
180.0 Oil
180.0 Iron
540.0 Food
00:03:20 5.0% (inc)
10.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
54.0% (cum)
25 25
3 Bank 3 648.0 Stone
324.0 Oil
324.0 Iron
972.0 Food
00:06:40 5.0% (inc)
15.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
56.0% (cum)
50 40
4 Bank 3 1.2K Stone
584.0 Oil
584.0 Iron
1.8K Food
00:13:20 5.0% (inc)
20.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
58.0% (cum)
200 60
5 Bank 5 2.1K Stone
1.1K Oil
1.1K Iron
3.2K Food
00:26:40 5.0% (inc)
25.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
60.0% (cum)
400 90
6 Bank 6 4.2K Stone
2.1K Oil
2.1K Iron
6.3K Food
00:53:20 5.0% (inc)
30.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
62.0% (cum)
500 135
7 Bank 7 8.4K Stone
4.2K Oil
4.2K Iron
13K Food
01:46:40 5.0% (inc)
35.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
64.0% (cum)
500 215
8 Bank 8 17K Stone
7.6K Oil
9.3K Iron
23K Food
03:44:00 5.0% (inc)
40.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
66.0% (cum)
500 310
9 Bank 9 37K Stone
17K Oil
15K Iron
43K Food
06:56:00 5.0% (inc)
45.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
68.0% (cum)
500 475
10 Bank 10 45K Stone
28K Oil
25K Iron
60K Food
13:30:40 5.0% (inc)
50.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
70.0% (cum)
500 715
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Commander Skill
Commander XP ModifierCommander XP RetentionRebel Target Skill
Commander XP Power Description Action
11 Bank 11 76K Stone
34K Oil
42K Iron
96K Food
16:38:24 5.0% (inc)
55.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
72.0% (cum)
500 1,075
12 Bank 12 125K Stone
57K Oil
51K Iron
153K Food
20:59:31 5.0% (inc)
60.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
74.0% (cum)
500 1,610
13 Bank 13 153K Stone
94K Oil
85K Iron
255K Food
1d 01:48:18 5.0% (inc)
65.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
76.0% (cum)
500 2,425
14 Bank 14 255K Stone
115K Oil
141K Iron
421K Food
1d 09:10:40 5.0% (inc)
70.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
78.0% (cum)
1,000 3,640
15 Bank 15 421K Stone
192K Oil
173K Iron
660K Food
1d 11:23:00 5.0% (inc)
75.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
80.0% (cum)
2,000 5,460
16 Bank 16 517K Stone
316K Oil
288K Iron
1.03M Food
1d 20:35:28 5.0% (inc)
80.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
82.0% (cum)
2,500 8,200
17 Bank 17 862K Stone
388K Oil
475K Iron
1.49M Food
2d 09:58:07 5.0% (inc)
85.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
84.0% (cum)
2,500 12,315
18 Bank 18 1.42M Stone
647K Oil
582K Iron
2.13M Food
3d 18:22:18 5.0% (inc)
90.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
86.0% (cum)
5,000 18,460
19 Bank 19 1.74M Stone
1.07M Oil
971K Iron
2.91M Food
6d 22:56:59 5.0% (inc)
95.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
88.0% (cum)
5,000 27,700
20 Bank 20 2.91M Stone
1.31M Oil
1.60M Iron
5.23M Food
14d 10:44:31 5.0% (inc)
100.0% (cum)
2.0% (inc)
90.0% (cum)
10,000 41,565
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Commander Skill
Commander XP ModifierCommander XP RetentionRebel Target Skill
Commander XP Power Description Action
21 Bank 21 4.80M Stone
2.18M Oil
1.97M Iron
9.81M Food
1 Master Hammer
59d 01:47:20 +20 (inc)
+20 (cum)
25.0% (inc)
125.0% (cum)
5.0% (inc)
95.0% (cum)
+10 (inc)
+10 (cum)
10,000 62,335
22 Bank 22 325.00M Stone
325.00M Oil
325.00M Iron
325.00M Food
2,000 Legendary Hammer
325d 00:00:00 10.0% (inc)
135.0% (cum)
1.0% (inc)
96.0% (cum)
+2 (inc)
+12 (cum)
15,000 93,430
23 Headquarters 23
Farm 23
Bank 23
3.45T Stone
3.60T Oil
3.42T Iron
1,250,000 Legendary Hammer
11258833d 00:00:00 +10 (inc)
+30 (cum)
15.0% (inc)
150.0% (cum)
1.0% (inc)
97.0% (cum)
+3 (inc)
+15 (cum)
90,000 140,145
24 Headquarters 24
Farm 24
Bank 24
8.19T Stone
7.87T Oil
8.59T Iron
2,500,000 Legendary Hammer
22517666d 00:00:00 +5 (inc)
+35 (cum)
20.0% (inc)
170.0% (cum)
1.0% (inc)
98.0% (cum)
+4 (inc)
+19 (cum)
135,000 210,218
25 Headquarters 25
Farm 25
Bank 25
25.72T Stone
25.98T Oil
25.21T Iron
8,750,000 Legendary Hammer
78811830d 00:00:00 +5 (inc)
+40 (cum)
30.0% (inc)
200.0% (cum)
1.0% (inc)
99.0% (cum)
+6 (inc)
+25 (cum)
202,500 315,327
26 Headquarters 26 50,000 Cement Pillar 75231481d 11:33:20 Register to Supply Data
27 Register to Supply Data
28 Register to Supply Data
29 Register to Supply Data
30 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Commander Skill
Commander XP ModifierCommander XP RetentionRebel Target Skill
Commander XP Power Description Action
Total Bank 25
Headquarters 26
Farm 25
37.36T Stone
37.45T Oil
37.22T Iron
349.33M Food
1 Master Hammer
12,502,000 Legendary Hammer
50,000 Cement Pillar
187820230d 15:40:16 +40 200.0% 99.0% +25 485,185 945,980

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