All information about the building Armory in Mobile Strike including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.

The Armory is the building where you can manufacture gear and install mods on gear. Each level upgrade gives a boost in Manufacturing Speed. You need to upgrade the Iron Mine before you can upgrade your Armory. In itself it does not have enough benefit to make it the first choice building to upgrade (unless it level 21 when it unlocks the very valuable 4rd accessory slot), but since it is a prerequisite to upgrade your Wall, which is a prerequisite for upgrading the Headquarters, you will automatically keep it leveled up.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Manufacturing SpeedNormal Equipment
Manufacturing Cost
Prototype Gear DurationPrototype Gear Manufacturing
Cost Reduction
Reward Commander XP Power Description Action
1 Iron Mine 1 300.0 Stone
400.0 Oil
800.0 Iron
300.0 Food
00:01:15 5.0% (inc)
5.0% (cum)
10 10
2 Iron Mine 2 510.0 Stone
680.0 Oil
1.4K Iron
510.0 Food
00:02:30 5.0% (inc)
10.0% (cum)
25 25
3 Iron Mine 3 857.0 Stone
1.2K Oil
2.3K Iron
857.0 Food
00:05:00 5.0% (inc)
15.0% (cum)
50 40
4 Iron Mine 4 1.5K Stone
2.0K Oil
3.9K Iron
1.5K Food
00:10:00 5.0% (inc)
20.0% (cum)
200 60
5 Iron Mine 5 2.5K Stone
3.3K Oil
6.7K Iron
2.5K Food
00:20:00 5.0% (inc)
25.0% (cum)
400 90
6 Iron Mine 6 5.0K Stone
6.7K Oil
13K Iron
5.0K Food
00:40:00 5.0% (inc)
30.0% (cum)
500 135
7 Iron Mine 7 10K Stone
13K Oil
27K Iron
10K Food
01:20:00 5.0% (inc)
35.0% (cum)
500 215
8 Iron Mine 8 20K Stone
24K Oil
59K Iron
18K Food
02:48:00 5.0% (inc)
40.0% (cum)
500 310
9 Iron Mine 9 44K Stone
53K Oil
96K Iron
34K Food
05:12:00 5.0% (inc)
45.0% (cum)
500 475
10 Iron Mine 10 54K Stone
88K Oil
160K Iron
48K Food
10:08:00 5.0% (inc)
50.0% (cum)
500 715
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Manufacturing SpeedNormal Equipment
Manufacturing Cost
Prototype Gear DurationPrototype Gear Manufacturing
Cost Reduction
Reward Commander XP Power Description Action
11 Iron Mine 11 90K Stone
108K Oil
265K Iron
77K Food
12:28:48 5.0% (inc)
55.0% (cum)
500 1,075
12 Iron Mine 12 149K Stone
181K Oil
325K Iron
122K Food
15:44:38 5.0% (inc)
60.0% (cum)
500 1,610
13 Iron Mine 13 183K Stone
298K Oil
541K Iron
203K Food
19:21:14 5.0% (inc)
65.0% (cum)
500 2,425
14 Iron Mine 14 304K Stone
366K Oil
893K Iron
335K Food
1d 00:53:02 5.0% (inc)
70.0% (cum)
1,000 3,640
15 Iron Mine 15 502K Stone
609K Oil
1.10M Iron
525K Food
1d 06:31:27 5.0% (inc)
75.0% (cum)
2,000 5,460
16 Iron Mine 16 617K Stone
1.01M Oil
1.83M Iron
822K Food
1d 09:26:38 5.0% (inc)
80.0% (cum)
2,500 8,200
17 Iron Mine 17 1.03M Stone
1.23M Oil
3.01M Iron
1.18M Food
1d 19:28:38 5.0% (inc)
85.0% (cum)
2,500 12,315
18 Iron Mine 18 1.70M Stone
2.06M Oil
3.70M Iron
1.70M Food
2d 19:46:48 5.0% (inc)
90.0% (cum)
5,000 18,460
19 Iron Mine 19 2.08M Stone
3.39M Oil
6.17M Iron
2.31M Food
5d 05:12:52 5.0% (inc)
95.0% (cum)
5,000 27,700
20 Iron Mine 20 3.47M Stone
4.16M Oil
10.17M Iron
4.16M Food
10d 20:03:38 5.0% (inc)
100.0% (cum)
10,000 41,565
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Manufacturing SpeedNormal Equipment
Manufacturing Cost
Prototype Gear DurationPrototype Gear Manufacturing
Cost Reduction
Reward Commander XP Power Description Action
21 Iron Mine 21 5.72M Stone
6.94M Oil
12.49M Iron
7.80M Food
1 Master Hammer
44d 07:21:32 25.0% (inc)
125.0% (cum)
Unlocks Extra Accessory Slot 10,000 62,335
22 Iron Mine 22 250.00M Stone
250.00M Oil
250.00M Iron
250.00M Food
2,700 Legendary Hammer
325d 00:00:00 50.0% (inc)
175.0% (cum)
5.0% (inc)
5.0% (cum)
5.0% (inc)
5.0% (cum)
5.0% (inc)
5.0% (cum)
15,000 93,430
23 Headquarters 23
Quarry 23
5.24T Stone
5.30T Oil
5.24T Iron
1,750,000 Legendary Hammer
16911705d 00:00:00 50.0% (inc)
225.0% (cum)
1.0% (inc)
6.0% (cum)
90,000 140,145
24 Headquarters 24
Quarry 24
10.49T Stone
10.81T Oil
10.17T Iron
3,500,000 Legendary Hammer
32181497d 00:00:00 75.0% (inc)
300.0% (cum)
1.5% (inc)
7.5% (cum)
135,000 210,218
25 Headquarters 25
Quarry 25
32.70T Stone
34.42T Oil
31.72T Iron
11,250,000 Legendary Hammer
101329495d 00:00:00 100.0% (inc)
400.0% (cum)
2.5% (inc)
10.0% (cum)
202,500 315,327
26 Headquarters 26 70,000 Cement Pillar 92592592d 14:13:20 Register to Supply Data
27 Register to Supply Data
28 Register to Supply Data
29 Register to Supply Data
30 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Manufacturing SpeedNormal Equipment
Manufacturing Cost
Prototype Gear DurationPrototype Gear Manufacturing
Cost Reduction
Reward Commander XP Power Description Action
Total Iron Mine 22
Headquarters 26
Quarry 25
48.43T Stone
50.53T Oil
47.13T Iron
269.36M Food
1 Master Hammer
16,502,700 Legendary Hammer
70,000 Cement Pillar
243015685d 27:19:20 400.0% 5.0% 10.0% 5.0% Unlocks Extra Accessory Slot 485,185 945,980

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