All information about the building Iron Mine in Mobile Strike including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.

Building and upgrading Iron Mines increases the Iron production and capacity. They can be upgraded as soon as the headquarters is upgraded.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Iron Base CapacityIron Hourly Production Commander XP Power Description Action
1 Headquarters 1 100.0 Stone
100.0 Oil
100.0 Food
00:01:00 1,500 (inc)
1,500 (cum)
30 (inc)
30 (cum)
10 5
2 Headquarters 1 170.0 Stone
170.0 Oil
170.0 Food
00:02:40 3,000 (inc)
4,500 (cum)
60 (inc)
90 (cum)
25 10
3 Headquarters 1 289.0 Stone
289.0 Oil
289.0 Food
00:05:20 4,500 (inc)
9,000 (cum)
90 (inc)
180 (cum)
50 15
4 Headquarters 1 492.0 Stone
492.0 Oil
492.0 Food
00:10:40 6,000 (inc)
15,000 (cum)
120 (inc)
300 (cum)
200 25
5 Headquarters 5 837.0 Stone
837.0 Oil
837.0 Food
00:21:20 7,500 (inc)
22,500 (cum)
150 (inc)
450 (cum)
400 35
6 Headquarters 6 1.7K Stone
1.7K Oil
1.7K Food
00:42:40 9,000 (inc)
31,500 (cum)
180 (inc)
630 (cum)
500 55
7 Headquarters 7 3.3K Stone
3.3K Oil
3.3K Food
01:25:20 21,000 (inc)
52,500 (cum)
210 (inc)
840 (cum)
500 85
8 Headquarters 8 6.7K Stone
6.0K Oil
6.0K Food
02:59:12 24,000 (inc)
76,500 (cum)
240 (inc)
1,080 (cum)
500 125
9 Headquarters 9 15K Stone
13K Oil
11K Food
05:32:48 27,000 (inc)
103,500 (cum)
270 (inc)
1,350 (cum)
500 190
10 Headquarters 10 18K Stone
22K Oil
16K Food
10:48:32 30,000 (inc)
133,500 (cum)
300 (inc)
1,650 (cum)
500 285
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Iron Base CapacityIron Hourly Production Commander XP Power Description Action
11 Headquarters 11 30K Stone
27K Oil
26K Food
13:18:43 33,000 (inc)
166,500 (cum)
330 (inc)
1,980 (cum)
500 430
12 Headquarters 12 50K Stone
45K Oil
41K Food
16:47:38 36,000 (inc)
202,500 (cum)
360 (inc)
2,340 (cum)
500 645
13 Headquarters 13 61K Stone
75K Oil
68K Food
20:38:39 39,000 (inc)
241,500 (cum)
390 (inc)
2,730 (cum)
1,000 970
14 Headquarters 14 102K Stone
92K Oil
112K Food
1d 02:32:33 63,000 (inc)
304,500 (cum)
420 (inc)
3,150 (cum)
2,500 1,455
15 Headquarters 15 168K Stone
153K Oil
175K Food
1d 08:33:33 67,500 (inc)
372,000 (cum)
450 (inc)
3,600 (cum)
2,500 2,185
16 Headquarters 16 206K Stone
252K Oil
275K Food
14:29:28 72,000 (inc)
444,000 (cum)
480 (inc)
4,080 (cum)
2,500 3,280
17 Headquarters 17 343K Stone
309K Oil
395K Food
1d 22:22:32 76,500 (inc)
520,500 (cum)
510 (inc)
4,590 (cum)
2,500 4,925
18 Headquarters 18 566K Stone
515K Oil
566K Food
3d 00:17:54 81,000 (inc)
601,500 (cum)
540 (inc)
5,130 (cum)
2,500 7,385
19 Headquarters 19 695K Stone
849K Oil
772K Food
5d 13:33:43 85,500 (inc)
687,000 (cum)
570 (inc)
5,700 (cum)
5,000 11,080
20 Headquarters 20 1.16M Stone
1.04M Oil
1.39M Food
11d 13:23:53 90,000 (inc)
777,000 (cum)
600 (inc)
6,300 (cum)
5,000 16,625
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Iron Base CapacityIron Hourly Production Commander XP Power Description Action
21 Headquarters 21 1.91M Stone
1.74M Oil
2.61M Food
1 Master Hammer
47d 06:15:00 126,000 (inc)
903,000 (cum)
6,300 (inc)
12,600 (cum)
10,000 24,935
22 Headquarters 22 50.00M Stone
50.00M Oil
50.00M Food
450 Legendary Resource Hammer
300d 00:00:00 180,600 (inc)
1,083,600 (cum)
12,600 (inc)
25,200 (cum)
15,000 37,373
23 Headquarters 23 2.24T Stone
2.29T Oil
2.22T Iron
750,000 Legendary Hammer
7177506d 00:00:00 541,800 (inc)
1,625,400 (cum)
25,200 (inc)
50,400 (cum)
75,000 22,423
24 Headquarters 24 4.82T Stone
4.68T Oil
4.57T Iron
1,500,000 Legendary Hammer
1477218d 00:00:00 812,700 (inc)
2,438,100 (cum)
50,400 (inc)
100,800 (cum)
112,500 67,271
25 Headquarters 25 15.14T Stone
14.70T Oil
14.53T Iron
5,000,000 Legendary Hammer
1,219,050 (inc)
3,657,150 (cum)
100,800 (inc)
201,600 (cum)
168,750 100,906 Register to Supply Data
26 Headquarters 26 30,000 Cement Pillar 40509259d 06:13:20 Register to Supply Data
27 Register to Supply Data
28 Register to Supply Data
29 Register to Supply Data
30 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Iron Base CapacityIron Hourly Production Commander XP Power Description Action
Total Headquarters 26 22.20T Stone
21.67T Oil
21.32T Iron
56.47M Food
1 Master Hammer
450 Legendary Resource Hammer
7,250,000 Legendary Hammer
30,000 Cement Pillar
49164358d 16:36:28 3,657,150 201,600 408,935 302,718

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