Name Boosts
Aramis Cloack Stars 200.03% Distance Defense
200.03% Distance Attack
200.03% Distance Health
Athos Hilt Sun 200.03% Infantry Defense
200.03% Infantry Attack
200.03% Infantry Health
Celestial Globe of Leonardo da Vinci Universe Gold 63.5% Troop Attack
63.5% Troop Defense
63.5% Troop Health
Celestial Globe of Leonardo da Vinci Universe Orange 43.55% Troop Attack
43.55% Troop Defense
43.55% Troop Health
Celestial Globe of Leonardo da Vinci Universe Purple 30.25% Troop Attack
30.25% Troop Defense
30.25% Troop Health
D Artagnans Hat Universe 66.68% Troop Attack
66.68% Troop Defense
66.68% Troop Health
Epic Aramis Cloack Stars 296.74% Distance Defense
296.74% Distance Attack
296.74% Distance Health
Epic Athos Hilt Sun 296.74% Infantry Defense
296.74% Infantry Attack
296.74% Infantry Health
Epic D Artagnans Hat Universe 98.91% Troop Attack
98.91% Troop Defense
98.91% Troop Health
Epic Porthos Wine Sack Moon 296.74% Cavalry Defense
296.74% Cavalry Attack
296.74% Cavalry Health
Feather Pen of Thomas Hobbes Moon Blue 45.0% Cavalry Defense
45.0% Cavalry Attack
45.0% Cavalry Health
Feather Pen of Thomas Hobbes Moon Gold 80.0% Cavalry Defense
80.0% Cavalry Attack
80.0% Cavalry Health
Feather Pen of Thomas Hobbes Moon Green 35.0% Cavalry Defense
35.0% Cavalry Attack
35.0% Cavalry Health
Feather Pen of Thomas Hobbes Moon Orange 68.0% Cavalry Defense
68.0% Cavalry Attack
68.0% Cavalry Health
Feather Pen of Thomas Hobbes Moon Purple 56.0% Cavalry Defense
56.0% Cavalry Attack
56.0% Cavalry Health
Flawless Aramis Cloack Stars 225.95% Distance Defense
225.95% Distance Attack
225.95% Distance Health
Flawless Athos Hilt Sun 225.95% Infantry Defense
225.95% Infantry Attack
225.95% Infantry Health
Flawless D Artagnans Hat Universe 75.32% Troop Attack
75.32% Troop Defense
75.32% Troop Health
Flawless Porthos Wine Sack Moon 225.95% Cavalry Defense
225.95% Cavalry Attack
225.95% Cavalry Health
Golden Coin of Lorenzo de Medici Sun Gold 190.5% Infantry Defense
190.5% Infantry Attack
190.5% Infantry Health
Golden Coin of Lorenzo de Medici Sun Orange 136.25% Infantry Defense
136.25% Infantry Attack
136.25% Infantry Health
Golden Coin of Lorenzo de Medici Sun Purple 100.09% Infantry Defense
100.09% Infantry Attack
100.09% Infantry Health
Legendary Aramis Cloack Stars 355.5% Distance Defense
355.5% Distance Attack
355.5% Distance Health
Legendary Athos Hilt Sun 355.5% Infantry Defense
355.5% Infantry Attack
355.5% Infantry Health
Legendary D Artagnans Hat Universe 118.5% Troop Attack
118.5% Troop Defense
118.5% Troop Health
Legendary Porthos Wine Sack Moon 355.5% Cavalry Defense
355.5% Cavalry Attack
355.5% Cavalry Health
Pocket Watch of General Dumas Sun Blue 45.0% Infantry Defense
45.0% Infantry Attack
45.0% Infantry Health
Pocket Watch of General Dumas Sun Gold 80.0% Infantry Defense
80.0% Infantry Attack
80.0% Infantry Health
Pocket Watch of General Dumas Sun Green 35.0% Infantry Defense
35.0% Infantry Attack
35.0% Infantry Health
Pocket Watch of General Dumas Sun Orange 68.0% Infantry Defense
68.0% Infantry Attack
68.0% Infantry Health
Pocket Watch of General Dumas Sun Purple 56.0% Infantry Defense
56.0% Infantry Attack
56.0% Infantry Health
Porthos Wine Sack Moon 200.03% Cavalry Defense
200.03% Cavalry Attack
200.03% Cavalry Health
Precious Aramis Cloack Stars 207.68% Distance Defense
207.68% Distance Attack
207.68% Distance Health
Precious Athos Hilt Sun 207.68% Infantry Defense
207.68% Infantry Attack
207.68% Infantry Health
Precious D Artagnans Hat Universe 69.23% Troop Attack
69.23% Troop Defense
69.23% Troop Health
Precious Porthos Wine Sack Moon 207.68% Cavalry Defense
207.68% Cavalry Attack
207.68% Cavalry Health
Raphaels Palette Moon Gold 190.5% Cavalry Defense
190.5% Cavalry Attack
190.5% Cavalry Health
Raphaels Palette Moon Orange 136.25% Cavalry Defense
136.25% Cavalry Attack
136.25% Cavalry Health
Raphaels Palette Moon Purple 100.09% Cavalry Defense
100.09% Cavalry Attack
100.09% Cavalry Health
Rare Aramis Cloack Stars 254.88% Distance Defense
254.88% Distance Attack
254.88% Distance Health
Rare Athos Hilt Sun 254.88% Infantry Defense
254.88% Infantry Attack
254.88% Infantry Health
Rare D Artagnans Hat Universe 84.96% Troop Attack
84.96% Troop Defense
84.96% Troop Health
Rare Porthos Wine Sack Moon 254.88% Cavalry Defense
254.88% Cavalry Attack
254.88% Cavalry Health
Sextant of Descartes Universe Blue 12.86% Troop Attack
12.86% Troop Defense
12.86% Troop Health
Sextant of Descartes Universe Gold 22.86% Troop Attack
22.86% Troop Defense
22.86% Troop Health
Sextant of Descartes Universe Green 10.0% Troop Attack
10.0% Troop Defense
10.0% Troop Health
Sextant of Descartes Universe Orange 19.43% Troop Attack
19.43% Troop Defense
19.43% Troop Health
Sextant of Descartes Universe Purple 16.0% Troop Attack
16.0% Troop Defense
16.0% Troop Health
Star Map of Nicolaus Copernicus Stars Gold 190.5% Distance Defense
190.5% Distance Attack
190.5% Distance Health
Star Map of Nicolaus Copernicus Stars Orange 136.25% Distance Defense
136.25% Distance Attack
136.25% Distance Health
Star Map of Nicolaus Copernicus Stars Purple 100.09% Distance Defense
100.09% Distance Attack
100.09% Distance Health
Telescope of Galileo Stars Blue 45.0% Distance Defense
45.0% Distance Attack
45.0% Distance Health
Telescope of Galileo Stars Gold 80.0% Distance Defense
80.0% Distance Attack
80.0% Distance Health
Telescope of Galileo Stars Green 35.0% Distance Defense
35.0% Distance Attack
35.0% Distance Health
Telescope of Galileo Stars Orange 68.0% Distance Defense
68.0% Distance Attack
68.0% Distance Health
Telescope of Galileo Stars Purple 56.0% Distance Defense
56.0% Distance Attack
56.0% Distance Health

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