
This article explains how you can acquire the Demon Hunter Equipment in Guns of Glory without spending money.

Guns of Glory Demon Hunter Equipment for Nonspenders

05/23/2018 - -

Explanation of the functionality that was introduced in the last game update to get the required rare materials and designs for the Demon Hunter Equipment and suggestion which piece to focus on first.

Why Demon Hunter Gear

We focus on the Demon Hunter equipment for two reasons. First, because of the relatively easy availability of the Sealed Demon Hunter Equipment Design Fragment in the Hall of Heroes Store and the Mining Loot Store, these pieces are now the most easy to make, from all gold equipment. Second, after the recently introduced Retribution set, the Demon Hunter equipment is the best equipment set and when it comes to the important damage and damage reduction boosts it is even equal to the Retribution set.

The drawback of the Demon Hunter gear pieces is that the rare material requirements are high, if you can't wait you might want to craft some Duelist pieces first, which require less rare materials and for which the designs can more easily be acquired via the Shooting Gallary.

Demon Hunter Design

In the Hall of Heroes Store you can now purchase Sealed Demon Hunter Equipment Design Fragments for 500 credits per fragment. You need 100 of them to synthesize them to a Demon Hunter Equipment Design of choice.

500 credits is relatively cheap in my eyes, as it is not too difficult to get credits. I have for now chosen not to focus on developing certain purple and blue guards to multiple stars and I have traded those in the Hall of Heroes for credits, which resulted in quite a large amount.

In the Mining Loot in the Spirit Mines you can purchase 5 Sealed Demon Hunter Equipment Design Fragments each day for 20730 credits. There are many interesting items available in the Mining Loot, but if you don't have enough credits in the Hall of Heroes, this might be a good way to get part of the requirement amount instead.

There is a also a Shooting Gallery field with a Demon Hunter Equipment Design, but this is a far more timeconsuming (or expensive) way to get the designs.

Rare Materials

What made (and still makes) the gold pieces difficult to craft is the rare material. These cost 100,000 gold each and for the Demon Hunter set you need 4 for each piece. Now there is an alternative, in the Bonus Red Guard Chests you get when you rally a Red Guard Camp and have a Red Guard Key, you have a chance to get between 0 and 3 Rare Material Chest Fragments. As with the Sealed Demon Hunter Equipment Design Fragments you need 100 to turn it into a rare material of choice.

Basic Materials

The Rare Materials are the most difficult/expensive, but that does not mean the Basic Materials requirement is easy to fill. For each piece you need large amounts of two of the basic materials. These combined amounts very between 9600 and 28800. There are various ways to get these materials, for example the Royal Expeditions shop and the Hall of Heroes shop, but still requirements are huge.


Each of the Demon Hunter pieces require (before discount) 201k steel to forge. This is also a huge requirement. You might consider raising a couple of bounties at the hall of heroes to get the required steel.

Which Demon Hunter Pieces to Forge First

It will take a very long time to forge a full set without spending money, so it will be important to think about in which order you want to forge them. There are different considerations. For example is attack the most important, or defense? Is certain part of the requirements important?

I am mostly looking at this for defensive purpose, when very strong players attack me, I want to be able to do some damage and not just be wiped out without them taking any significant losses. As such I want to focus first on the pieces that give Damage boosts, so that my damage is not reduced to (near)zero by the large damage reduction buffs that strong players have. I make one exception and put the Boots first, because it has huge Damage Received buffs (35% Army Damage Received plus 30% Distance/Cavalary/Infantry Damage Received ). The three pieces that provide Damage boosts have in my eyes similar benefit, so I rank them based on how easy they are to craft (basic material cost): Ring, Charm, Crossbow. After that comes Coat, which still gives a nice Damage Reduction buff. The Cap comes last, does not have any Damage or Damage Reduction buffs, but nice general troop buffs and you get the complete set boost.

Based on your own preference you might take a different order, important thing is to make a conscious choice.

Resonance Boosts

You get can extra boosts by having multiple pieces and once you have a complete set, enhancing the pieces.

The Set Resonance boosts provides an extra 15% Troop Defense (if you have minimum 2 pieces), Troop Health (min 4) and Troop Attack (all 6) boosts.

Once you have a complete set Enhancement Resonance gives an extra increase in the Set Resonance boosts if you enhance all pieces to the same level. For example increase all pieces to level 1 increases the boost from 15% to 22.5%.

Although enhancing does not require any additional rare materials, the amounts of steel and dragon essence required are quite high. I still find this quite expensive since the increment to the basic gear stats are quite limmited by enhancing.


It sounds very nice to have Demon Hunter gear for free, but let's do some calculation for the Rare Materials only to see how long it actually take. Let's assume you have not saved up tons of Red Guard Bonus Keys, which means you have to rely on the three you can get per day via the Daily Rewards. Assume you get on average 1.5 Rare Material Chest Fragments per Red Guard Bonus Chest, which means 4.5 per day. You require 400 to make a piece so it takes you 89 days to get the rare material chest fragments required for one Demon Hunter Piece and 534 days to get enough for all of them. On a positive note, this give you plenty of time to work on the basic material and steel requirements.

As a low spender I am very happy that it is possible to get Demon Hunter equipment, as the lack of such good equipment is causing a large gap between non/low and big spenders when it comes to damage boosts. It is still very time consuming, but who knows in the future it will be made easier.

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