All information about the research project Heal in Clash of Queens including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Recovery Speed of
Lord XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 College 2
Supply Cart 1
1.2K Wood
780.0 Food
01:00:00 1.0% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
7 0.2
2 College 2 1.5K Wood
1.0K Food
01:30:00 1.0% (inc)
2.0% (cum)
12 0.2
3 College 2 2.1K Wood
1.4K Food
01:48:00 1.0% (inc)
3.0% (cum)
21 0.3
4 College 2 3.2K Wood
2.1K Food
02:09:35 1.0% (inc)
4.0% (cum)
39 0.4
5 College 2 5.4K Wood
3.6K Food
03:01:26 1.0% (inc)
5.0% (cum)
64 0.5
Total College 2
Supply Cart 1
13K Wood
9.0K Food
09:29:01 5.0% 143 0.4

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