This article should function as a Combat 101 for people new to doing Combat in Clash of Queens. It gives a very basic explanation about several things you should be aware about before you start solo attacking enemy castles.
There are four troop types in this game, infantry, cavalry, archer/shooter and wizard/caster. Each of them have 10 possible tiers (availability depends on the level of your barracks, stables, range and mage academy buildings), with each their own specific statistics. In this game not all stats of higher level tier troops are better than lower level tier troops, only for Cavalry you can safely always select your highest tier troops when attacking. Especially for Wizards and Archers you should be careful and it can for levels be better to select a lower tier (e.g. for Archers use tier 4 instead of 5, and for Wizard tier 5 instead of 6) if you consider the Attack stat of the troops. Although the game is not clear in explaining the exact role of each troop in the battle, experience points out it is important to have a significant amount of infantry in your army. Infantry takes most casualties, but if you do not have enough, your other troop types will take a lot more casualties. In general I get good results in using a balanced army, but I tend to train more Infantry than the rest because I lose more of those.
There are a number of different ways to get boosts: lord skill points, research, equipment, friend visits buildings and items. You should consider all of these, there are quite some easy to score boosts that can make a difference.
Lord Skill Points can provide a large attack, defense and health bonus, especially when your Lord has reached a higher level and you have more skill points to assign. The Combat Skill Tree is where you should assign your points before combat.
The Military research tree gives you valuable troop boosts. Individually they are not high, but they provide boosts that are always active for each of your troops. Keep researching those.
After playing for about 4-6 weeks you should have accumulated enough materials to make a 6 piece level 20 equipment set. Make sure your Lord is equipped with this set when you go for battle. Afterwards you can focus on making even better gear.
One of the easier boosts to get is from friends visiting your buildings. For attacking the friend representatives you invite (by clicking on the plus sign above the building) to your Barracks, Stables and Range building are important. Try to get some friends with high level lords (does not have to be from within your alliance) and make sure they are assigned to your building before starting the attack.
What you should not forget are an Attack and Defense boost. As opposed to the things mentioned above these have a cost (500 gold each for a 20% 12 hour attack and defense boost). When you expect the battle to be close, you should consider that these boosts (applicable to all your troop types) can make a huge difference in both the damage you do (Attack Boost) and your own casualties (Defense Boost).
Attack only with one march at a time and make sure your Lord is in that march to get the Lord Skill boosts and the Equipment boosts. Only attack without your lord in a second march if you are sure there are no or very few defending forces.
The amount of troops you can attack with is very important, this means of course you have to make sure you have trained enough troops of each type you plan to use, but also that your March Size is as large as you can get it. Most important for this is the level of your Drill Grounds building, but in addition you can get extra boosts by researching the Leadership project in the Military category.
The dragon can do some extra damage, so always good to include it in your army and max out its stats. Make sure your Dragon is the same level as your Lord (this should be quite easy by just letting it join you on battles, including killing monsters, until it has reached that level, afterwards just include it when you feel it can make a difference), and feed all the elements you have to it, so its stats are boosted to the max. You can include the dragon by selecting the checkbox on the first row below your Lord.
Always important to check with your alliance who you can attack and when. It can typically range anywhere from always attacking anyone except for allies to no attacking at all unless approved by a r4.
Gold and Alliance loyalty is quite hard to come by and before deciding to teleport to suitable targets I would make very sure it is worth it. Better if possible to fight near your hive, even if this means you make some nearby enemies and/or have to march for 10-20 minutes.
Look at the flags and try to find targets who might be inactive based on the time of day.
Scout first before attacking, to make sure the attack is worth it (are there troops to kill, resources to plunder), but preferably do this when you are close to actually attacking, to minimize the time your target and his alliance members have to prepare.
If you can find some targets that are not in a hive, that is preferred, as they cannot easily be reinforced.
Only select targets you are confident you can quite easily win (significant less troops and weaker troops than you have in a single march), in case of doubt, ask your alliance mates to rally.
Be aware, after you have attacked you will not be able to shield for one hour. This is an extra reason to choose your target wisely. Selecting someone in a powerful alliance, or with powerful allies, might lead to a quick retaliation.
This should give you some pointers to start having fun solo attacking in Clash of Queens. If you have any questions or want to share other tips, let us know in the comments.
Contributed by: GamesGuide on August 3, 2016