All information relating to the Gather Resources event in Clash of Queens, such as a description, how to score points, the point targets and associated prizes.
Name Gather Resources
Name Gather Resources to win rewards
Relevant Boosts Crystal Gathering, Food Gathering, Gathering Bonus, Iron Gathering, March Size, Maximum March Size, Total Marches, Troop Load Increase, Wood Gathering
Scoring Points
Activity Points
Gather 1 Food 1
Gather 1 Wood 1
Gather 1 Iron 6
Gather 1 Crystal 24
Target Points Prizes
1 410,000 Resource Chest Lvl 1
2 1,230,000 3 x 1-Hour Speedup
3 2,460,000 350 Gold

Note: Point targets and prizes are indicative, the point targets get higher and prizes get better as you grow your account.

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