The Basics

In Spider Solitaire the goal is to assemble 13 cards of a suit in ascending sequence by moving sets of cards of ascending sequency on top of the next card in sequence.

Spider Solitaire - Tutorial and Review

03/31/2021 - -

Tutorial and Review of the puzzle game Spider Solitaire.


The difficulty is in the way the cards are distributed. Some combinations are just not possible to solve.


Variation is also only in the different ways the cards are distributed.


Looks very basic, but nice clear cards.

Free vs Paid

There are ads that can be removed by paying a small amount.

Is It Any Good?

I give Spider Solitaire 7 out of 10 stars. Simple but good Spider Solitaire game.

Gaming Studio MobilityWare
Subcategories Cards
Similar Games Games Like Spider Solitaire
Reviewed on Mar 19, 2021

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