All information about the research project Sawmill in Rise of Kingdoms including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Wood Production Commander XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 Academy 18
200K Food
200K Wood
150K Stone
100K Gold
07:48:00 1.0% (inc)
1.0% (cum)
2,027 6.2
2 Academy 18 150K Food
150K Wood
113K Stone
75K Gold
07:13:00 2.0% (inc)
3.0% (cum)
2,926 9.7 Register to Supply Data
3 3.0% (inc)
6.0% (cum)
Register to Supply Data
4 4.0% (inc)
10.0% (cum)
Register to Supply Data
5 Academy 23
Placer Mining 5
Multlayer Structure 5
Handcart 5
Wheel 5
Plow 6
Whipsaw 6
507.0 Food
507.0 Food
507.0 Wood
383.0 Stone
255.0 Gold
16:36:00 5.0% (inc)
15.0% (cum)
8,877 12.8
6 5.0% (inc)
20.0% (cum)
Register to Supply Data
7 5.0% (inc)
25.0% (cum)
Register to Supply Data
8 5.0% (inc)
30.0% (cum)
Register to Supply Data
9 Academy 24
Handsaw 5
Irrigation 5
Handaxe 5
Masonry 5
Sickle 5
Metalworking 5
Writing 5
Chisel 5
Placer Mining 5
Multlayer Structure 5
Handcart 5
Wheel 5
Plow 8
Whipsaw 8
Engineering 10
Scythe 7
Mathematics 10
Coinage 2
Open Pit Quarry 2
Shaft Mining 2
Machinery 8
Stone Saw 4
Carriage 4
Cutting and Polishing 4
Royal Knight
10.0% (inc)
40.0% (cum)
Register to Supply Data
10 15.0% (inc)
55.0% (cum)
Register to Supply Data
Total Academy 24
Handsaw 5
Irrigation 5
Handaxe 5
Masonry 5
Sickle 5
Metalworking 5
Writing 5
Chisel 5
Placer Mining 5
Multlayer Structure 5
Handcart 5
Wheel 5
Plow 8
Whipsaw 8
Engineering 10
Scythe 7
Mathematics 10
Coinage 2
Open Pit Quarry 2
Shaft Mining 2
Machinery 8
Stone Saw 4
Carriage 4
Cutting and Polishing 4
Royal Knight
351K Food
351K Wood
263K Stone
175K Gold
1d 07:37:00 55.0% 13,830 10.5

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