General Info

Name Lohar
Origin Other
Acquisition Type Free
Grade Epic
Stars 6
Max Level 60
Commander Talents Integration - Peacekeeping - Support
Slot 1 Overwhelming Force
Deals direct damage to a single target and heals a portion of your army's slightly wounded troops.
Rage Requirement: 1000
Subtalent 1: Direct Damage Factor
Subtalent 2: Healing Factor
Slot 2 Sanction
Increases damage dealt to barbarians and other neutral troops.
Slot 3 Lohar's Trial
Increases experience received by all commanders in the current army.
Subtalent 1: Experience Received [%]
Slot 4 Unruly Blood
Heals some slightly wounded units upon leaving a battle.
Subtalent 1: Healing Factor
Slot 5 Unyielding Spirit
Heals some (1000 without Expertise, 2000 with Expertise) slightly wounded units upon leaving a battle.
Subtalent 1: Healing Factor

See the second section for quantitative information about the skills.

Commander Skill Details

Skills With Direct Effect
Level Slot 1 - Subtalent 1 Slot 1 - Subtalent 2 Slot 3 - Subtalent 1 Slot 4 - Subtalent 1 Slot 5 - Subtalent 1
1 150 150 10 500 1000
2 200 200 20 600 1000
3 250 250 30 700 1000
4 350 350 50 800 1000
5 450 450 70 1000 2000
Skills Affecting Troops
Level Slot 2
Bonus Damage to Barbarians
1 5.0%
2 10.0%
3 17.0%
4 25.0%
5 35.0%

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