All information about the building Gold Mine in Rise of Kingdoms including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.

It is impossible for us to know the exact date that humans first began to mine gold, but those sparkling artifacts have been the symbol of nobility for thousands of years. From the oldest known goldmine in what is now the nation of Georgia to modern mining machines, the charm of gold never dies.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Gold Production RateMax Gold Capacity Commander XP Power Description Action
1 City Hall 10 500.0 Food
500.0 Wood
00:02:00 +200 (inc)
+200 (cum)
+2,000 (inc)
+2,000 (cum)
2 1,000.0 Food
1,000.0 Wood
00:04:00 +15 (inc)
+215 (cum)
+150 (inc)
+2,150 (cum)
14 Register to Supply Data
3 2.0K Food
2.0K Wood
00:08:00 +20 (inc)
+235 (cum)
+200 (inc)
+2,350 (cum)
4 3.8K Food
3.8K Wood
2.5K Stone
00:13:20 +25 (inc)
+260 (cum)
+250 (inc)
+2,600 (cum)
54 Register to Supply Data
5 +30 (inc)
+290 (cum)
+300 (inc)
+2,900 (cum)
119 Register to Supply Data
6 +35 (inc)
+325 (cum)
+350 (inc)
+3,250 (cum)
182 Register to Supply Data
7 +40 (inc)
+365 (cum)
+400 (inc)
+3,650 (cum)
298 Register to Supply Data
8 +50 (inc)
+415 (cum)
+500 (inc)
+4,150 (cum)
436 Register to Supply Data
9 +60 (inc)
+475 (cum)
+600 (inc)
+4,750 (cum)
623 Register to Supply Data
10 +75 (inc)
+550 (cum)
+750 (inc)
+5,500 (cum)
910 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Gold Production RateMax Gold Capacity Commander XP Power Description Action
11 +100 (inc)
+650 (cum)
+1,000 (inc)
+6,500 (cum)
1,316 Register to Supply Data
12 +125 (inc)
+775 (cum)
+1,250 (inc)
+7,750 (cum)
1,974 Register to Supply Data
13 +150 (inc)
+925 (cum)
+1,500 (inc)
+9,250 (cum)
2,720 Register to Supply Data
14 +175 (inc)
+1,100 (cum)
+1,750 (inc)
+11,000 (cum)
3,776 Register to Supply Data
15 +250 (inc)
+1,350 (cum)
+2,500 (inc)
+13,500 (cum)
5,253 Register to Supply Data
16 +250 (inc)
+1,600 (cum)
+2,500 (inc)
+16,000 (cum)
7,419 Register to Supply Data
17 +250 (inc)
+1,850 (cum)
+2,500 (inc)
+18,500 (cum)
11,000 Register to Supply Data
18 +300 (inc)
+2,150 (cum)
+3,000 (inc)
+21,500 (cum)
16,013 Register to Supply Data
19 +350 (inc)
+2,500 (cum)
+3,500 (inc)
+25,000 (cum)
23,091 Register to Supply Data
20 +400 (inc)
+2,900 (cum)
+4,000 (inc)
+29,000 (cum)
33,620 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Gold Production RateMax Gold Capacity Commander XP Power Description Action
21 +450 (inc)
+3,350 (cum)
+4,500 (inc)
+33,500 (cum)
49,326 Register to Supply Data
22 +550 (inc)
+3,900 (cum)
+5,500 (inc)
+39,000 (cum)
72,057 Register to Supply Data
23 +600 (inc)
+4,500 (cum)
+6,000 (inc)
+45,000 (cum)
106,517 Register to Supply Data
24 +700 (inc)
+5,200 (cum)
+7,000 (inc)
+52,000 (cum)
158,456 Register to Supply Data
25 +5,200 (inc)
+10,400 (cum)
+52,000 (inc)
+104,000 (cum)
239,840 Register to Supply Data
Total City Hall 10 7.3K Food
7.3K Wood
2.5K Stone
00:27:20 +10,400 +104,000 735,046

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