All information about the building Scout Camp in Rise of Kingdoms including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.

The scout camp houses the city's scouts. These brave pathfinders love to explore the unknown, and are willing to venture deep into the mysterious fog, or even enemy bases. Thanks to them, we can gather a lot of valuable information that will have a significant impact on our development.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Exploration RangeNumber of ScoutsScout March Speed Commander XP Power Description Action
1 300.0 Food
300.0 Wood
00:00:02 +5 (inc)
+5 (cum)
+1 (inc)
+1 (cum)
5.0% (inc)
5.0% (cum)
2 500.0 Food
500.0 Wood
00:00:15 5.0% (inc)
10.0% (cum)
3 1,000.0 Food
1,000.0 Wood
00:01:00 5.0% (inc)
15.0% (cum)
4 2.0K Food
2.0K Wood
00:03:30 +1 (inc)
+6 (cum)
5.0% (inc)
20.0% (cum)
5 City Hall 5 3.8K Food
3.8K Wood
00:13:50 +1 (inc)
+2 (cum)
5.0% (inc)
25.0% (cum)
6 City Hall 6 6.5K Food
6.5K Wood
00:35:00 5.0% (inc)
30.0% (cum)
7 City Hall 7 9.8K Food
9.8K Wood
01:10:00 +1 (inc)
+7 (cum)
5.0% (inc)
35.0% (cum)
8 City Hall 8 15K Food
15K Wood
5.0% (inc)
40.0% (cum)
371 Register to Supply Data
9 5.0% (inc)
45.0% (cum)
505 Register to Supply Data
10 +1 (inc)
+8 (cum)
5.0% (inc)
50.0% (cum)
697 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Exploration RangeNumber of ScoutsScout March Speed Commander XP Power Description Action
11 +1 (inc)
+3 (cum)
5.0% (inc)
55.0% (cum)
945 Register to Supply Data
12 5.0% (inc)
60.0% (cum)
1,370 Register to Supply Data
13 +1 (inc)
+9 (cum)
5.0% (inc)
65.0% (cum)
1,670 Register to Supply Data
14 5.0% (inc)
70.0% (cum)
2,013 Register to Supply Data
15 5.0% (inc)
75.0% (cum)
2,381 Register to Supply Data
16 +1 (inc)
+10 (cum)
5.0% (inc)
80.0% (cum)
2,841 Register to Supply Data
17 5.0% (inc)
85.0% (cum)
3,958 Register to Supply Data
18 5.0% (inc)
90.0% (cum)
5,074 Register to Supply Data
19 +1 (inc)
+11 (cum)
5.0% (inc)
95.0% (cum)
6,200 Register to Supply Data
20 5.0% (inc)
100.0% (cum)
7,686 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Exploration RangeNumber of ScoutsScout March Speed Commander XP Power Description Action
21 5.0% (inc)
105.0% (cum)
9,898 Register to Supply Data
22 +1 (inc)
+12 (cum)
5.0% (inc)
110.0% (cum)
12,111 Register to Supply Data
23 5.0% (inc)
115.0% (cum)
16,069 Register to Supply Data
24 5.0% (inc)
120.0% (cum)
22,092 Register to Supply Data
25 +3 (inc)
+15 (cum)
5.0% (inc)
125.0% (cum)
42,744 Register to Supply Data
Total City Hall 8 39K Food
39K Wood
02:03:37 +15 +3 125.0% 139,023

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