All information about the building Quarry in Rise of Kingdoms including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.

Quarries are sites where rocks or stones are produced. It is well-known that stone was widely used to make implements with edges and points during he so-called Stone Age. This era corresponded with a new chapter in technological prehistory.

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Max Stone CapacityStone Production
Commander XP Power Description Action
1 City Hall 4 200.0 Food
200.0 Wood
00:00:20 +3,000 (inc)
+3,000 (cum)
+300 (inc)
+300 (cum)
2 300.0 Food
300.0 Wood
00:01:00 +200 (inc)
+3,200 (cum)
+20 (inc)
+320 (cum)
3 500.0 Food
500.0 Wood
00:02:00 +300 (inc)
+3,500 (cum)
+30 (inc)
+350 (cum)
4 1,000.0 Food
1,000.0 Wood
00:05:00 +400 (inc)
+3,900 (cum)
+40 (inc)
+390 (cum)
5 City Hall 5 5.0K Food
5.0K Wood
00:20:00 +450 (inc)
+4,350 (cum)
+45 (inc)
+435 (cum)
6 City Hall 6 3.5K Food
3.5K Wood
00:40:00 +550 (inc)
+4,900 (cum)
+55 (inc)
+490 (cum)
7 City Hall 7 5.3K Food
5.3K Wood
01:12:00 +600 (inc)
+5,500 (cum)
+60 (inc)
+550 (cum)
8 City Hall 8 8.0K Food
8.0K Wood
01:26:00 +700 (inc)
+6,200 (cum)
+70 (inc)
+620 (cum)
9 City Hall 9 12K Food
12K Wood
01:48:00 +900 (inc)
+7,100 (cum)
+90 (inc)
+710 (cum)
10 +1,150 (inc)
+8,250 (cum)
+115 (inc)
+825 (cum)
417 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Max Stone CapacityStone Production
Commander XP Power Description Action
11 City Hall 11 28K Food
28K Wood
+1,500 (inc)
+9,750 (cum)
+150 (inc)
+975 (cum)
628 Register to Supply Data
12 +1,850 (inc)
+11,600 (cum)
+185 (inc)
+1,160 (cum)
947 Register to Supply Data
13 +2,300 (inc)
+13,900 (cum)
+230 (inc)
+1,390 (cum)
1,226 Register to Supply Data
14 +2,600 (inc)
+16,500 (cum)
+260 (inc)
+1,650 (cum)
1,556 Register to Supply Data
15 +3,750 (inc)
+20,250 (cum)
+375 (inc)
+2,025 (cum)
1,982 Register to Supply Data
16 +3,750 (inc)
+24,000 (cum)
+375 (inc)
+2,400 (cum)
2,570 Register to Supply Data
17 +3,750 (inc)
+27,750 (cum)
+375 (inc)
+2,775 (cum)
3,740 Register to Supply Data
18 +4,500 (inc)
+32,250 (cum)
+450 (inc)
+3,225 (cum)
5,220 Register to Supply Data
19 +5,250 (inc)
+37,500 (cum)
+525 (inc)
+3,750 (cum)
7,040 Register to Supply Data
20 +6,000 (inc)
+43,500 (cum)
+600 (inc)
+4,350 (cum)
9,600 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Max Stone CapacityStone Production
Commander XP Power Description Action
21 +6,750 (inc)
+50,250 (cum)
+675 (inc)
+5,025 (cum)
13,440 Register to Supply Data
22 +8,250 (inc)
+58,500 (cum)
+825 (inc)
+5,850 (cum)
18,480 Register to Supply Data
23 +9,000 (inc)
+67,500 (cum)
+900 (inc)
+6,750 (cum)
26,280 Register to Supply Data
24 +10,500 (inc)
+78,000 (cum)
+1,050 (inc)
+7,800 (cum)
38,440 Register to Supply Data
25 +78,000 (inc)
+156,000 (cum)
+7,800 (inc)
+15,600 (cum)
59,600 Register to Supply Data
Total City Hall 11 63K Food
63K Wood
05:34:20 +156,000 +15,600 192,100

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