All information about the building Lumber Mill in Rise of Kingdoms including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.

Forests are gifts to us from Mother Nature, and lumber mills are where we make our own treasures out of wood. However, due to excessive deforestation by humans, this precious resource is quickly disappearing. Maybe it is time for us to stop?

Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Max Wood CapacityWood Production Rate Commander XP Power Description Action
1 100.0 Food 00:00:02 +4,000 (inc)
+4,000 (cum)
+400 (inc)
+400 (cum)
2 200.0 Food 00:00:15 +300 (inc)
+4,300 (cum)
+30 (inc)
+430 (cum)
3 300.0 Food 00:01:00 +400 (inc)
+4,700 (cum)
+40 (inc)
+470 (cum)
4 500.0 Food 00:01:30 +500 (inc)
+5,200 (cum)
+50 (inc)
+520 (cum)
5 City Hall 5 1,000.0 Food 00:02:00 +600 (inc)
+5,800 (cum)
+60 (inc)
+580 (cum)
6 City Hall 6 1.8K Food
1,000.0 Stone
00:10:00 +700 (inc)
+6,500 (cum)
+70 (inc)
+650 (cum)
7 City Hall 7 2.7K Food
1.6K Stone
00:30:00 +800 (inc)
+7,300 (cum)
+80 (inc)
+730 (cum)
8 City Hall 8 4.0K Food
2.6K Wood
01:00:00 +1,000 (inc)
+8,300 (cum)
+100 (inc)
+830 (cum)
9 8.0K Food
4.2K Stone
01:30:00 +1,200 (inc)
+9,500 (cum)
+120 (inc)
+950 (cum)
240 Register to Supply Data
10 9.0K Food
6.6K Stone
02:00:00 +1,500 (inc)
+11,000 (cum)
+150 (inc)
+1,100 (cum)
325 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Max Wood CapacityWood Production Rate Commander XP Power Description Action
11 City Hall 11 15K Food
10.0K Stone
+2,000 (inc)
+13,000 (cum)
+200 (inc)
+1,300 (cum)
492 Register to Supply Data
12 +2,500 (inc)
+15,500 (cum)
+250 (inc)
+1,550 (cum)
666 Register to Supply Data
13 +3,000 (inc)
+18,500 (cum)
+300 (inc)
+1,850 (cum)
1,017 Register to Supply Data
14 +3,500 (inc)
+22,000 (cum)
+350 (inc)
+2,200 (cum)
1,370 Register to Supply Data
15 +5,000 (inc)
+27,000 (cum)
+500 (inc)
+2,700 (cum)
1,757 Register to Supply Data
16 +5,000 (inc)
+32,000 (cum)
+500 (inc)
+3,200 (cum)
2,400 Register to Supply Data
17 +5,000 (inc)
+37,000 (cum)
+500 (inc)
+3,700 (cum)
3,320 Register to Supply Data
18 +6,000 (inc)
+43,000 (cum)
+600 (inc)
+4,300 (cum)
4,350 Register to Supply Data
19 +7,000 (inc)
+50,000 (cum)
+700 (inc)
+5,000 (cum)
5,750 Register to Supply Data
20 +8,000 (inc)
+58,000 (cum)
+800 (inc)
+5,800 (cum)
7,850 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Max Wood CapacityWood Production Rate Commander XP Power Description Action
21 +9,000 (inc)
+67,000 (cum)
+900 (inc)
+6,700 (cum)
10,375 Register to Supply Data
22 +11,000 (inc)
+78,000 (cum)
+1,100 (inc)
+7,800 (cum)
14,425 Register to Supply Data
23 +12,000 (inc)
+90,000 (cum)
+1,200 (inc)
+9,000 (cum)
20,300 Register to Supply Data
24 +14,000 (inc)
+104,000 (cum)
+1,400 (inc)
+10,400 (cum)
28,500 Register to Supply Data
25 +104,000 (inc)
+208,000 (cum)
+10,400 (inc)
+20,800 (cum)
39,750 Register to Supply Data
Total City Hall 11 43K Food
2.6K Wood
23K Stone
05:14:47 +208,000 +20,800 143,196

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