All information about the research project Maximum Energy Limit II in Mobile Strike including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Maximum Energy Limit Commander XP Power K Power/
Description Action
1 Research Facility 16
Troop Defense II 1
Troop Attack II 1
8.5K Stone
8.5K Oil
13K Food
15K Coin
02:00:00 +400 (inc)
+400 (cum)
84K 750 9.0
2 Research Facility 16
Troop Defense II 2
Troop Attack II 2
21K Stone
21K Oil
31K Food
35K Coin
12:00:00 +600 (inc)
+1,000 (cum)
84K 1,750 3.5
3 Research Facility 17
Troop Defense II 3
Troop Attack II 3
53K Stone
53K Oil
78K Food
81K Coin
2d 12:00:00 +800 (inc)
+1,800 (cum)
101K 4,050 1.6
4 Research Facility 17
Troop Defense II 4
Troop Attack II 4
133K Stone
133K Oil
195K Food
186K Coin
5d 12:00:00 +1,000 (inc)
+2,800 (cum)
101K 9,300 1.7
5 Research Facility 18
Troop Defense II 5
Troop Attack II 5
330K Stone
330K Oil
490K Food
430K Coin
12d 02:24:00 +1,200 (inc)
+4,000 (cum)
121K 21,500 1.8
6 Research Facility 18
Troop Defense II 6
Troop Attack II 6
830K Stone
830K Oil
1.23M Food
990K Coin
26d 15:00:00 +1,400 (inc)
+5,400 (cum)
121K 49,500 1.9
7 Research Facility 19
Troop Defense II 7
Troop Attack II 7
2.08M Stone
2.08M Oil
3.08M Food
2.28M Coin
58d 13:45:00 +1,600 (inc)
+7,000 (cum)
145K 114,000 1.9
8 Research Facility 19
Troop Defense II 8
Troop Attack II 8
5.20M Stone
5.20M Oil
7.70M Food
5.24M Coin
128d 20:45:00 +1,800 (inc)
+8,800 (cum)
145K 262,000 2.0
9 Research Facility 20
Troop Defense II 9
Troop Attack II 9
13.00M Stone
13.00M Oil
19.30M Food
12.10M Coin
283d 12:00:00 +2,000 (inc)
+10,800 (cum)
174K 605,000 2.1
10 Research Facility 21
Troop Defense II 10
Maximum Energy Limit I 10
Troop Attack II 10
32.50M Stone
32.50M Oil
48.30M Food
27.80M Coin
623d 16:45:00 +2,200 (inc)
+13,000 (cum)
240K 1,390,000 2.2
Total Research Facility 21
Troop Defense II 10
Maximum Energy Limit I 10
Troop Attack II 10
54.16M Stone
54.16M Oil
80.42M Food
49.16M Coin
1141d 22:39:00 +13,000 1.31M 2,457,850 2.2

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